Dear Chapters,

Please find below the chapter report of Wikimédia France for July, August,
September, October, November and December 2010.

It is also available on Meta <

== Partnerships ==

=== French National Library − BnF ===

After several years of talks, a partnership was concluded between Wikimédia
France and the French National Library (Bibliothèque nationale de France).
Signed in April 2010, it consisted of two parts. First, an experiment in
collaborative proofreading taking place on Wikisource, with the donation of
1400 books in the public domain, including scans and OCR text (automatically
generated during the digitization process and prone to many errors,
especially with old texts). Second, the exploitation of the authority files
of the Library on Wikimedia projects.

A team of three chapter members undertook the technical work. Three board
members oversaw their work, acting as a steering committee, and interfaced
with the Library staff; one acted as a Library Science and Wikisource
advisor. Their work consisted in an extensive study of the formats used by
the BnF and on Wikisource, and in the design and creation of a production
line for the material. This line had to be able to sustain the sheer load of
1400 books, and handled the analysis and processing of metadata, format
conversions, smart trimming and cropping of the scans, and preparation of a
deliverable for the final upload to Wikimedia Commons. Because of the number
and size of books, the actual upload was requested to WMF system
administrator Tim Starling and was done in July.

After that, the team produced various documents, help pages, project reports
for the chapter, and a progress report. This last document contains fairly
advanced statistical analysis of the characteristics of the proofreaders
body, and the work done, making use of mathematical tools to measure the
amount of work accomplished during the proofreading process.

See the the hub-page on Meta <

=== City of Toulouse ===

As part of the partnership with the City of Toulouse, signed in October
2010, two projects were undertaken with local cultural institutions.

The first one, named Phœbus project, was with the Muséum of Toulouse. It
involved mobilizing Wikimedians to take high-quality photographs of objects
in the non-permanent collections of paleontology and prehistory. The
photographs taken in June by volunteers Rama and Ludovic were uploaded in
November, and join the ones uploaded by Didier Descouens in April.

More than 450 documents are available on Wikimedia Commons, many of which
were assessed Featured Pictures, Quality Images or Valued Images.

See on Wikimedia Commons the project page <>
and the images <>

The second project involved the Archives of the City of Toulouse, who
contributed digitised photographs by its former curator, French naturalist,
mountaineer, geologist and photographer Eugène Trutat. A Wikimédia France
volunteer processed the extensive metadata provided by the Archives, in
order to fit it into Wikimedia Commons auto-translated templates and provide
accurate categorisation.

The 200 resulting files hit Commons in December.

See on Wikimedia Commons the project page <>
the images <
and brief Signpost coverage <

== Rencontres Wikimédia 2010 ==

On 3–4 December,  Wikimédia France organised the « Rencontres Wikimédia 2010
» in Paris, in an annex of the Palais Bourbon, the building of the French
National Assembly. The event aimed to gather "as many cultural actors as
possible to discuss new online collaborative practices and opportunities to
take free access to culture a step further". The conference was part of the
Glam-Wiki series, and included a series of talks and panels given by
wikimedians, professionals from the cultural sector, local representatives,
and representatives of government cultural agencies.

See the detailed Signpost coverage <édia
and Wikimédia France blog posts<>

== Activities ==
=== Participation to international Wikimedia events ===

==== GlamWiki UK ====
Five members of the chapter and staff Bastien Guerry attended the GlamWiki
conference in London. They gave two talks, about the partnership with the
French National Library and about the partnership with the City of Toulouse.

==== Wikimania 2010 ====
Twelve chapter members (including four board members and one staff) attended
the conference in Gdańsk in July.

=== Presentations, conferences, workshops  ===

==== Novela Festival ====

On October 2nd, the partnership between Wikimédia France and the City of
Toulouse was made public and signed during the inauguration of the “digital”
side of the Novela, the festival of shared knowledge. During the whole
afternoon, we showed the public the genesis and the contents of the
partnership which ties us to the City of Toulouse, and took that opportunity
to raise awareness about free dissemination of knowledge.

The afternoon began with the signature of the partnership, between Pierre
Cohen, Mayor of Toulouse, and Wikimédia France. It continued with joint
presentations of institutional actors of this partnership and Wikimedians

Didier Descouens, president of the Institut Picot de Lapeyrouse,
paleontology enthusiast, Wikimedian and a driving force behind this
partnership since 2009, presented the terms and the value of the
partnership. Pierre Gastou and Catherine Bernard, from the Archives of the
City of Toulouse, presented their vision of the partnership involving
uploading on Wikimedia Commons a collection of photographs from Eugène
Trutat, taken in the early twentieth century. Pierre Gastou presented Eugène
Trutat and the collection (ethnography and daily life, collections of the
Museum of Toulouse and monuments) and their historical significance.
Catherine Bernard explained how this partnership is part of a wider project
of digitisation and connection between archives and the Internet.

Wikimedian Rama presented Wikimedia Commons, explaining the organisation of
the project, what it contains and how to contribute, and demonstrated the
importance of free and open licenses for the dissemination of culture. He
relied particularly on the report that Wikimédia France provided two years
ago to the Ministry of Culture on the subject. Ludovic Péron ended the
afternoon by showing the work done on the Wikimedia projects about the
historical monuments, and the rise of this project bringing together more
and more Wikimedians. It aims to identify, photograph, geotag and describe
as many historical monuments as possible, in France and abroad, to provide a
coherent and reusable body of knowledge.

==== Other events ====

RMLL − July 2010, Bordeaux
As every year since 2005, Wikimedia France was at the ''Rencontres mondiales
du logiciel libre'' in Bordeaux, from July 6 to 10. Nojhan gave a 20 minute
talk titled "What's really in Wikipedia?" (''« Qu’y a-t-il vraiment dans
Wikipédia ? »''), and several members held the booth during five days.

JMLL − September 2010, Rouen
During the ''Journée Mondiales du Logiciel Libre'', David gave a talk about
the MediaWiki software and how it can be used, with the example of the
Wikimedia projects.

Grande Braderie − September 2010, Lille
several members held a display and answered queries at the world's biggest
open air market

9e forum E-culture − September 2010, Lausanne
Florence Devouard presented Wikipedia at the ''9e forum E-culture'' in
Lausanne, on September 8, 2010. The meeting was about "''Netizenship -
citoyenneté numérique et cyberintimidation''"

Bibliothèque du Chesnay − September 2010, Chesnay
Thierry gave a conference on Wikipedia on September 21, 2010 followed on
Saturday and Wednesdsay by two workshops by Benjamin et Thierry.

Open-air conference
On September 29 2010, asked by local association "Carrefour culturel Arnaud
Bernard" (by the name of a city district), Adrienne Alix gave an open-air
talk, right in the district square; many passers-by stopped to listen to the

Festival des sciences − October 2010, Acigné
Nicolas gave a talk in October at the multimedia library of Acigné
(Ille-et-Vilaine), as part of ''Festival des sciences'' ("Science
festival"). The conference was followed by a workshop, with four other
chapter members helping the attendees.

Ubuntu Party − November 2010
In Paris, several members held a booth and answered queries during the
Ubuntu Party. Thierry gave a presentation about Wikipedia, and Aude held a
workshop for middle-school students as part of a project to help young
people understand the Internet.
In Toulouse, four members held a booth on Saturday 20, and Adrienne gave a
talk titled 'Beyond software: free licenses as a mean to disseminate

Talk at the CEMAF − November 2010, Paris
As part of an ongoing project with the ''Centre d'études des mondes
africains'', a CNRS laboratory, Kropotkine_113 gave a talk to researchers
and PhD students. The CEMAF members are looking into contributing to
Wikipedia, and the chapter will help by holding workshops in 2011.

Contact with the IT department of the multimedia libraries of Paris −
November 2010, Paris
Following several contacts with the multimedia libraries of Paris, Julien
presented the Wikimedia projects and the chapter works to the IT department.

Congrès RESTART − November 2010, Lisboa (Portugal)
Florence gave a keynote during the APDC<>, as
part of the session "Digital Natives & Crowd Sourcing".

== Media interventions ==
*October 23 : Thierry was invited on national radio network RTL for a radio
debate. It was moderated by journalist and author Patrick Poivre d'Arvor,
and the other invitee was the director of Who's Who. The talk lasted for
about ten minutes, and was focused on the issues with Biographies of living
persons on Wikipedia
*December 5 : Florence Devouard was invited on TV show ''Vivement dimanche''
on France 2 <>, presented by Michel Drucker and
with politician François Bayrou.
*December 20 : Adrienne Alix talked about the fundraiser on national radio
network Europe 1

== Workgroups ==

=== Strengthening of communication with members ===
At the end of the year, a taskforce was set up to focus on writing the
monthly newsletter to the chapter members. It also contributes to the
chapter annual report, due to be published early 2011.

=== Promotional documents ===
A complete revamp of the promotional documents was undertaken this year. It
gained great momentum when Benoît Evellin worked for the chapter as part of
an internship during the month of August. Most of the work was wrapped-up
for the Rencontres Wikimédia.

The documents created include:
*leaflets for Wikimédia France and for each Wikimedia project ;
*a booklet aiming to introduce the chapter, the Wikimedia projects and
previous  partnerships  to institutions ;
*a small reference guide summing up in 10 key-points how to edit Wikipedia ;
*chapter business cards.

=== Photographs & accreditations ===

==== Photo workshop in Paris ====

On September 4 and 5, 2010, a photo workshop organised by Rama, and
financially supported by the chapter, was held in the Cité des Sciences et
de l'Industrie in Paris. The workshop was primarily intended for Wikipedia
and Commons contributors to share their experiences, but was also open to
the general public. The event gathered around thirty people, mainly
Wikimedians, and was livetweeted with the hashtag #wikiphoto.

On the first afternoon, several Commons contributors gave presentations on
specific aspects of photography. Inisheer taught the basics of photographic
composition; Ceridwen talked about licenses and personality rights; esby
explained the techniques used to create panoramas. As part of a "Museum"
track, Jastrow made a general presentation about museum photography, and Zil
focused on techniques used to take pictures of paintings. The last track was
about photojournalism, with Rama and Ceridwen talking about concert
photography and Ludo29 and Inisheer about sport events.

On the second day, after Ludo29 explained how to begin with a digital reflex
camera, several workshops were held, about various subjects such as image
editing, panoramas or macrophotography. In the afternoon, the contributors
strode the streets of Paris, trying out their new-found knowledge,
particularly on listed historical monuments. Some of the pictures taken can
be found on Wikimedia Commons. As many more contributors were interested and
as early feedback is very positive, a new edition is already being planned.

See Wikimédia France blog post <
and Signpost coverage <

==== North Cape raid ====

In July, members Ludovic and Fanny took part in the "Raid Paris – Cap Nord",
a photographic challenge where competitors are ranked by a jury on the basis
of the pictures they take during the trip. The journey starts in Paris, goes
through Finland, Sweden and Norway, up to North Cape in Norway, the
northernmost point of Europe, and ends back in Paris. Over the four weeks,
the raiders drove 12,000 km in a car branded with the logos of Wikipedia,
Wikimedia Commons and Wikimédia France. The French chapter provided
financial support.

See Signpost coverage <
and Wikimédia France blog post <>

==== Other events ====
The chapter helped with getting accreditations for members for many events.

*Festival de Cornouaille − July 2010, Quimper
*Bibliothèque Sainte-Barbe − June, Paris
*O Tour de la Bulle − September 2010, Montpellier
*Mondial de l'automobile − October 2010, Paris
- Masquer le texte des messages précédents -
*Toulouse Game Show − November 2010, Toulouse

=== Fundraising ===

Wikimedia France participated in the annual fundraiser of the Wikimedia

All revenue data mentionned below are (good) approximations.

November 2010
*Total amount fundraised : 241 171 euros
*Total number of donations : 6196 (including 254 in checks)
December 2010
*Total amount fundraised : 227 422 euros
*Total number of donations : 5382 (including 418 in checks)
January 2011
*Total amount fundraised : 22 775 euros
*Total number of donations : 619 (including 116 in checks)

Fundraising was organised largely with volunteers, with the administrative
support of a freelance secretary, Elisabeth (who has been working for
Wikimédia France since the summer of 2009).

Wikimédia France does not use (yet) a CRM such as CiviCRM (data is collected
using a spreadsheet).

Link to the donation platform <>

== Wikimédia France blog posts summary ==
=== July ===
The Wikimobile towards North Cape <
The Royal Cup bridges Wikipedia and the British Museum<>

Wikisource gains books donated by the BnF<

=== August ===
September 4: a photo workshop for Wikimedia Commons<

=== September ===
Google Health Speaks – Google wants to translate Wikipedia articles about
health in Arab, Indian and Swahili<
National monuments have pride of place on the Dutch-language Wikipedia <
Enriching Wikipedia: the European Heritage Days<
Wikimedia Foundation: various information <>
Wikimédia France welcomed at the Sainte-Barbe Library<
Rencontres Wikimédia 2010 take place on December 3 and 4 at the 101 rue de
l’Université (Paris)<
Live-watch the creation of the millionth article of the French speaking
Wikipedia reaches one million articles in French!<

=== October ===
Umberto Eco, Wikipedia, and collaborative editing<
Wikimédia France signs an agreement with the City of Toulouse<
The Rencontres Wikimédia 2010 website is live<
Wikimédia France at the Novela: recap of the partnership with the City of
Rencontres Wikimédia 2010: subscriptions opening<

=== November ===
GLAM-WIKI:UK conference announcement<>
Open Street Map appears on Wikipedia articles<>
Wikipedia, Michel Houellebecq and the ''droit d’auteur'' (copyright).<

=== December ===
Wikimédia France at GLAM-WIKI:UK<>

==== Rencontres Wikimedia 2010 series ====
Event introduction<
Wikimedia projects presentation<
Presentation of Wikimedia and its objectives for 2015<
The partnership with the French National Library<
Cultural partnerships with Wikimedia in the world<
The partnership between Wikimédia France and Toulouse<

National monuments on Wikipedia: outcome of Wiki Loves Monuments<

== Contributors ==
* Contributors to the monthly newsletter in French (from which this report
is derived) in July-August-September-October-November-December: Bzg,
Jean-Frédéric, Ash Crow, Thesupermat, Trizek, VIGNERON, Ludo29, Bapti,
Zetud, Serein, (:Julien:), TCY, Crochet.david, David Berardan, Kropotkine
113, Gdgourou, Citron, Pymouss, O2
* Contributors to this chapter report : Jean-Frédéric, Bapti, Ofol, Gribeco,
Anthere, notafish

Adrienne Alix
Présidente | Wikimedia France |
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