Dear fellows,

The following message is just to keep you informed about the activities
developed during the last month by Amical
. Sorry for delay.

Kind regards,

David Parreño Mont
(As a member of Amical Viquipèdia)





Presentation at the Catalonia Railway Museum


One of the work groups in a train car at the Railway Museum discussing
ideas for introducing Wikipedia at the museum.

   - The registration period begins for Viquiescoles (Wikischools)[1],
   which aims to bring the Wikipedia to the classroom such that students in
   compulsory secondary education (ESO), vocational training programs (Cicles
   Formatius) and post-compulsory secondary education (Batxillerat, i.e.
   A-levels / senior high) are encouraged to write articles on a variety of
   topics through a contest and awards for the best contributions. Some 250
   students from a total of 15 schools will participate.
   - February 10. Creation of the WikiEducació (WikiEducation)[2] mailing
   list on Wikis in the educational sphere. The list is open to anyone
   interested. Administrators: Dvdgmz & Paucabot
   - February 25. Introductory course to the Wikipedia and its educational
   potential at the Garraf Center for Pedagogical Resources (Centre de
   Recursos Pedagògics del Garraf), with a total of 125 attendees. The
   presentation went over the possibilities and advantages this tool offers
   for the schoolroom, i.e. teaching democratic values and a critical spirit,
   making students active knowledge builders, lending them motivation or
   serving as a tool to work on basic skills, among others. See Note (in
   Catalan)[3]. Barcelona & Kippelboy
   - February 29. "Local Museums + Wikipedia = Educational Success"[4]:
   meeting of Wikipedians, professors and education professionals in the
   museum sector at the Catalonia Railway Museum[5]. The aim of the meeting
   was to explore ways of collaborating. Two presentations were made in the
   morning on different examples of successful GLAM-WIKI projects and the
   Wikipedia's educational potential. In the afternoon, groups met in the
   train cars on exhibit at the museum to propose activities involving the
   Wikipedia that would be suitable for their museums. See Note[3], the photo
   gallery[6] and the museum's opinion of the event[7]. Barcelona and Kippelboy


   - February 3. Meeting with the Joan Miró Foundation[8] to discuss
   opportunities for collaboration in 2012 and prepare the Mobile World
   Congress and QRpedia campaigns. Kippelboy
   - February 6. Meeting with the CCCB[9] to discuss the I+C+i symposium on
   the influence of the Wikipedia and open knowledge on society, to be held in
   April 2012. Kippelboy
   - February 9–13. Attended GLAMCAMP Washington DC, explained the Catalan
   situation and provided a Catalan point of view at GLAM-WIKI and Wiki Loves
   Monuments 2011. See Presentation[10] and photo gallery[11]. Kippelboy
   - February 15. Meeting with the Girona Cinema Museum[12] to begin
   collaboration on contents through implementation of QRpedia[13]. Arnaugir
   - February 16. Meeting with the National Art Museum of Catalonia[14] to
   discuss possible GLAM-WIKI collaboration. Kippelboy
   - February 23. Meeting with Mozilla to seek synergies for GLAM-WIKI
   collaboration and Hackasaurus[15]. Kippelboy
   - February 23. Presentation of QRpedia at the Joan Miró Foundation at
   the Social Media Point[16] congress in Barcelona. See Note[17]. Kippelboy
   - February 27-29. Mobile World Congress. Backstage pass to the Joan Miró
   Foundation and meeting with Wikipedia Mobile and QRpedia teams. Kippelboy

Editing Workshops


Wikipedian Lluis_tgn holding up a "Welcome to Wikipedia" leaflet.

   - February 17. Workshop at the Antoni de Martí i Franquès Secondary
   School[18] in Tarragona. See Note[19]. Lluis_tgn
   - February 6. Editing course for students doing internships with
   the Visual Artists Association of Catalonia (Associació d'Artistes Visuals
   de Catalunya - AAVC)[20]. Pilot collaboration project between the Barcelona
   Museum of Contemporary Art (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona),
   universities, the AAVC and the Wikipedia. Kippelboy

Institutional Relations

   - February 1. Meeting with the General Directorate for Linguistic Policy
   of the Catalan Government[21].
   - February 8. Visit to the Wikimedia Foundation in San Francisco. Report
   on Lilaroja
   - February 8. Meeting with the Department of Social and Family Affairs
   of the Catalan Government to evaluate the outcome of the workshops for the
   elderly carried out in 2011 and set out the program for
   2012. Gomà i Pallares
   - February 9. Meeting of the Catalan Alliance for Open Knowledge and
   Open-Source Software (Aliança Catalana pel Coneixement i el Programari
   Lliures), where an initial joint activity is planned regarding Open Data
   using the agreement established between Amical Viquipèdia and the Catalan
   Government. Attending the meeting were Softcatalà, Mozilla, Caliu and
   - February 14. Meeting with Angelique Pinon, head of projects for
   the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion[22], to present a euroregional
   project going beyond Wiki Loves Monuments. Gomà & Àngels
   - February 15. Meeting with the Baix Llobregat County Center for Studies
   (Centre d'Estudis Comarcals del Baix Llobregat)[23]. Pallares
   - February 15. Meeting with the Culture Commission of
   the Cardona[24] City Council to develop a project involving Viquiescoles
   (Wikischools)[1], Wiki Loves Monuments and QRpedia. Beusson


   - Progress made on the Wiki4HE[25] project. We now have a rough draft of
   the survey for professors at the Open University of Catalonia (Universitat
   Oberta de Catalunya - UOC) and the Technical University of Catalonia
   (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) as well as the interview script. In
   addition, a form has been created to document experiences in Wikipedia
   application and the profile defined for the research assistant to be
   contracted for the project. The call for candidates for the position will
   soon be announced. The position is a part-time, remunerated job as research
   assistant at the UOC for a duration of 18 months or so. Gomà
   - The Catalan Cinema WikiWeek (Viquisetmana del Cinema Català)[26] was
   held before the 4th Gaudí Cinema Awards[27]. All in all, some thirty-odd
   articles on filmmakers and nominated films were created or
   improved. Davidpar, Pallares
   - Amical Viquipèdia, together with the Wikipedia in Catalan, provides
   support for and participates in disseminating the Catalanitzador per a
   Windows[28] tool by Softcatalà, which helps users who so wish to get their
   computers and programs to be in Catalan. Davidpar
   - Wikitexts in Catalan reaches 10,000 revised pages and is now in 9th
   position worldwide. See Press Release[29]
   - The technology blogs, Paella de[30] and Betes i
   Clicks[31] publish articles about the presence of QRpedia at the Mobile
   World Congress. Davidpar
   - The Facebook page[32] is updated to the new "timeline" design.

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