---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fiona Tweedie <fiona.c.twee...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 7:13 AM
Subject: [@OKFNau] HealthHack Melbourne
To: okfn...@lists.okfn.org

Hello lovely Melbourne friends!

We've got an exciting event coming up at the end of October, a weekend
long hackathon bringing together medical researchers and people with
clever techy skills to tackle some real problems in health research.

Example problems include:
- I use multiple online data sets but I don't have a good way of
knowing when I have looked at all the available information. I'd like
an intuitive search panel that allows me to select exactly what I
need, and report back all the relevant results
- I generate vast quantities of data; I would like a visualisation
panel that lets me quickly and easily compare multiple data sets
against each other
- I regularly search for information about disease occurrence; I'd
like a tool that reports on aspects of previous research, e.g.
statistical significance, number of patients, number

Or you might just do an exploration of an interesting dataset without
a fixed goal. So if you are great at data visualisation, data
management or analytics (or have other great skills like data
journalism and can coax the story out of a dataset) we'd love to see
you there!

You can find some more details here:
http://au.okfn.org/2013/09/21/healthhack/, and register here:

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