Wikimedia Australia has allocated $5,000 to grants for attendance to
the RecentChangesCamp in Canberra on 28-30 January 2011.

The decision can be found in the committee meeting minutes.

Anyone can apply by emailing, providing a bit of
background about yourself (wiki bio and/or real world bio, as
applicable), why you would like to attend, and how much financial
assistance you are requesting.

We are especially interested in assisting people from states and
nearby countries who, without a grant, would be unlikely to attend due
to travel costs. (e.g. WA, Tas, NT, NZ, etc)

Preference will be given to members.

Early applications will be more likely to be successful, as that
allows flight costs to be locked in early & more cheaply.

Sorry that this is late notice.  I look forward to seeing you there.

John Vandenberg

Wikimediaau-l mailing list

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