Awesome work, folks!

Let me know when the pictures are out :)

I hope we can do our own version of this in New York City one day with
a "Mollusc-a-thon" in the back shelves of the local natural history


On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 10:44 PM, Nick Jenkins <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a quick note to say that we had a great time on Friday at the
> Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, and it was very interesting.
> Quick description of what happened for those that could not attend:
> We met outside the museum shortly after 10 AM, were greeted by curators,
> and went to the Museum's café, and the curators from the different areas
> introduced themselves and shouted us teas/coffees, and we chatted a bit
> and they were very friendly and open. Also explained were the
> concerns/issues with photographing both people (e.g. they got us all to
> sign release-forms before taking any of our pictures) and pictures of
> things (moral rights of the creators, something I was not aware of).
> Because of this, I didn't feel it was appropriate for us to take
> pictures, so sorry, but to the best my knowledge there are no photos of
> the event taken by Wikipedians (although there may be some that appear
> on one of the Powerhouse blogs this week, taken by the imaging/media
> part of the museum).
> Then we (probably around 9 or 10 Wikipedians were present + 3 or 4
> curators + 2 media/imaging people) went through the public area of the
> museum for about a hour and were given a tour with explanations of the
> background and significance of some of the major items. Then we went to
> the backstage area, in an adjacent building, where some of the items
> that are not on public display are held. We saw Mawson's sled in a photo
> studio, and one level down saw a wide variety of items, including
> historic clothes (some of which were around 200 years old, but which
> were stored in such ideal conditions that they looked brand new / in
> mint condition), telecommunications/telegraph items, and historical
> medical equipment (bleeding kits, surgeon's kits), and many other items.
> Then we had lunch, which they again shouted us, and chatted a bit. Also
> a reporter from Triple-J interviewed some people for a story they are
> working on for the "Hack" program about Wiki-edit-wars. Then in the
> afternoon most people went to a meeting room, and discussed things, such
> as licensing issues (Q: what licence should be used for images if the
> Powerhouse wanted to try releasing a few images for use on the
> wikipedia? A: Suggested CC-By-SA), and so forth; and a few people went
> to the cafeteria and worked on articles for items we had seen. In the
> meeting room we only had one computer on a projector, and we
> collectively edited a few items (e.g. history of the Powerhouse Museum),
> and made a list of possible images to request, and so forth. More
> detailed notes & links to discussed articles and requested images & so
> forth are available at:
> We wound up around 4:30 PM. It was very interesting, and the amount of
> material and knowledge (at the museum, in the heads of the curators, and
> in the internal databases at the museum) is truly vast; but the issues
> that are being grappled with seemed (from my perspective) to be how to
> fulfil the museum's mission in an increasing online environment, how
> that relates to the wikipedia and finding areas where there's a good
> synergy and commonality of purpose, and also questions and complexity of
> licensing (for images of items and details about items), and all the
> cultural issues of interfacing the two different cultures and ways of
> operating.
> I thought it was a very positive day, and I left very much with the
> impression that these were good people who genuinely wanted to help.
> A big thank you to the all curators, such as Matthew Connell, for
> showing us around and being such great hosts, and a big thank you to
> Liam & co for organising this.
> -- All the best,
> Nick.
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