I’ve got a foot in both Wikipedia and OpenStreetmap camps and for the purposes 
of conflating the geodata and maintaining , it is much easier to have either a 
common unique identifier that identifies each object such as some national 
identifier from “List of Nationally Culturally Important Properties”, and 
insert into both WikiPedia and OpenStreetmap.

For this case the next best solution is to link both ways i.e.:

Openstreetmap: use the wikipedia:key 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:wikipedia or the wikidata key 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:wikidata when it moves beyond “defacto” 
status or better.    

Wikipedia/Wikidata: use a key that points to the OpenStreetmap object, be it a 
node, way, area or polygon e.g. http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1253343627

However according to 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Collaboration_with_Wikipedia the current 
practice is to link from Wikipedia back to a geo-coordinate, that would work as 
well, just a bit more effort if it’s not an exact match as any checking routine 
needs to allow for a bit of error.

This way it is reasonably possible to keep both aligned and join (in the 
database sense) the information in both directions without having to put in a 
huge amount of effort into comparing the two data sets


> On 12 Oct 2016, at 3:39 PM, Leigh Blackall <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I Sam, thanks for the reply. Sorry for my delay coming back.  
> I think tourism=artwork 
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism%3Dartwork> is the most 
> widely-used tag in OSM (corresponds to Q838948 
> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q838948>, "work of art"), here's an 
> example:http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1253343627 
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1253343627> and the most common other 
> attributes used with it 
> <https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/?key=tourism&value=artwork#combinations>.
> Thanks. In your example, "Mister Push It" doesn't have much in the way of 
> data or content linked to the OSM entry. I couldn't find an en.Wikipedia or 
> Wikidata entry for it either.. is what I'm imagining possible? - to embed 
> Wikipedia content, or Wikimedia Commons media into the OSM entry, either 
> directly or via Wikidata?

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