Day 4 of 14 is over, and the English page about Australia at the
Paralympics has received 20729 pageviews in the last 30 days.

So far Australia has a page in German and French:

By size of Wikipedia, the next languages to be translated into are
Dutch, Italian, Polish, Spanish, then Russian, Japanese, Portuguese,
Chinese and Swedish.

I think Chinese and Russian should be our primary focus.

It would be good to have a Chinese language Wikipedia page as China is
leading the medal table, as they did for the Olypmpics, so this
presents a unique opportunity for Chinese Wikipedia to have the
information that Chinese speakers are looking for.

The Chinese Olympics page received 94184 pageviews in July and 97069 in August.

Sadly, the main Chinese page for the Paralympics has received ~640
pageviews in the last 30 days.

And they only have articles written for three Chinese speaking countries.

According to the census, Chinese is one of the most important
languages in Australia other than English.

The Chinese page about Australia at the Olympics received ~640
pageviews for July and August.

A Russian and Ukrainian page about Australia and Ukraine would also
help, as the Ukraine is coming fourth in the medal tally (and most
Ukraine citizens know Russian).

p.s. The quickest way to find <nation> at Paralympics in <language> is
to start at

And follow the interwikis on the category, or navigate to the English
page about the nation and see if it has an interwiki.

(e.g. Italian Wikipedia doesnt have a category, as it has only one
article about a nation )

Japanese and Swedish Wikipedias don't have an article about any nation.

John Vandenberg

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