G'day all,

I thought I'd drop a quick note into this list noting that we've had another
rip roaring Wiki Wednesday down / up here in Sydney - which evolved from
general wiki talk at Google's offices by the casino into a more
wikimedia-centric chat at the pub across the road.

The wiki-wed.s are organised fantastically by Angela and James (both list
members I think) - and the next one will happen on 1st July - all will no
doubt be most welcome - and it may well be something like a 'pi-chuckachuck'
meeting - something I've utterly failed to learn anything about despite
googling like mad... something like a series of more rapid talks than any
hefty presentations - I blame either the accent (it's a japanese word?) or
the beer for my ignorance... maybe both.

Pub talk on wikimedia stuff covered many bases (as usual) - from chapter
activity (we felt maybe the committee should move all / much of their work
from a private wiki, to the public one?) through news of the nascent 'GLAM'
conference (more from Liam anon, I'm sure....) and just generally sharing
thoughts, ideas, gossip etc.

Perhaps the wikimedians will aim for another informal meet sometime in June,
otherwise, twas fun to hear once more about wikis in different contexts, and
get the low down on some exciting developments in the wikimedia world.....


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