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Wikimedia Australia chapter report
Edition 3, December 2008
By Brianna Laugher, interim Secretary (blaugher at wikimedia dot org dot au)

    * 1 Introduction
    * 2 Meetups
          o 2.1 Past
          o 2.2 Upcoming
    * 3 Other events
          o 3.1 Past
          o 3.2 Upcoming
    * 4 Committee meetings
    * 5 Press
    * 6 On the lists

December has been a relatively slow month as people are busy with
holiday plans. Hopefully the Christmas and New Year holidays provide
everyone with a refreshing break, as well as an opportunity for
reflection and brainstorming for the coming year. 2009 will be
Wikimedia Australia's first full year of existence and like a toddler,
we are learning and growing in leaps and bounds. We wish all our
members a happy and successful 2009 and hope that they will help us
make the same come true for Wikimedia Australia.

* Sydney, December 18
No report.
* Everywhere, January 11: AGM. <http://wikimedia.org.au/wiki/2008-2009_AGM>

==Other events==
* IRC meeting, December 7. Meeting with some ctte, members and
potential members.
** Minutes 
** Log 
* Hobart, 20 January 2009: "Free as in Freedom" miniconf as part of
linux.conf.au, organised by Brianna.
<http://linux.conf.au/schedule/121/view_miniconf> One of the speakers
is Liam. Also, Angela is a keynote at the main conference.
==Committee meetings==
* 2008-12-13 Informal, no minutes
* 2008-12-17 

Next meeting will be 2009-01-04, a week before the AGM.
* ''The Age'', 2008-12-08.
Wikipedia added to child pornography blacklist] by Asher Moses,
regarding the IWF in the UK blocking Wikipedia based on the ''Virgin
Killer'' article.

==On the lists==
Full archive: 

* Australian Bureau of Statistics releases data under the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.
* 200 Good Articles drive (Australia wikiproject on Wikipedia)
* Wikipedia and schools - discussion on censorship, sexual content,
Australian version of the Wikipedia for Schools selection?
** <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Cartman02au/Syllabus_Article_Matching>
* Poster sales - discussion of the "WikiPosters" project implemented
in the French Wikipedia

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