This is great news :)

2009/3/25 Liam Wyatt <>:
> Dear Wikimedia Australia list,
> I just received this from the National Library of Australia newspaper
> digisation project - they're moving out of Beta and into "real project"
> mode. All very exciting...
> What I find particularly cool about their interface is the way that they
> have permanent links to not only each page but also the specific article.
> Furthermore there is a wiki-like interface for people to improve the OCR'd
> text.
> For the purposes of Wikipedia this project is a real boon as 1) Everything
> they publish is out of copyright and 2) It gives us invaluable citation
> material. Previously we could write articles about old events and refer to
> them only in the print edition (which requires great difficulty to check
> references). Now we can cite the original edition of the newspaper and link
> directly to the article for all to see!
> I've worked with Rose Holley in my capacity at the Dictionary of Sydney and
> she (and the project) are keen for Wiki-folk to jump in and use their
> important service. As you can see by the title of the first research paper
> listed below, they're also helping improve the understanding in the
> academic/library sector of the values of mass-collaboration which is great.
> All the best,
> -Liam
> [[Witty lama]]
> ________________________________
> From: Rose Holley []
> Sent: Wednesday, 25 March 2009 3:48 PM
> To: undisclosed-recipients
> Subject: National Library of Australia - Newspaper digitisation - articles
> published
> Dear colleagues
> Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program
> I've recently published 2 articles which you may be interested to read:
> 1. Many Hands Make Light Work: Public Collaborative OCR Text Correction in
> Australian Historic Newspapers. ISBN 978-0-642-27694-0
> (reviewed in D-Lib)
> (document here)
> 2. How good can it get? Analysing and Improving OCR accuracy in large scale
> historic newspaper digitisation programs.(NLA)  Just published in this
> months D-Lib Magazine.
> All other project documents including feedback on the Australian Newspapers
> beta service are on the main webpage here:
> We are now nearing the end of the 2 year project 'setup' and software
> development. The Australian Newspapers service will be officially launched
> this year and be managed in an ongoing operational mode with the newspapers
> digitisation program ongoing indefinitely.
> Thanks
> Rose
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rose Holley
> Manager - Australian Newspaper Digitisation Program (ANDP)
> National Library of Australia
> e-mail:
> website:
> Phone: +61 2 6262 1224
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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