On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Wolf Ludwig <wolf.lud...@comunica-ch.net> wrote:
> Dear Ilario and all,
> From this institution there are two lecturers involved
> -Werner A. Meier <wame...@ipmz.unizh.ch> and
> -Jo Trappel <j.trap...@ipmz.unizh.ch>
> who organised media conferences in the US together with
> swissnex San Francisco ...
> From all what I know Swissnex is an excellent federal initiative.
> Best,
> Wolf

Thank you Wolf,
I will be more detailed also for other members who can understand
better my mysterious message.

I think that exactly these two lecturers have been in contact with
Wikimedia Foundation in San Francisco and they have couched the
interest to collaborate with Wikimedia for their projects.

I don't know if they could be an additional partner for TAO project,
for example.

At moment Frederic is planning a contact with them.


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