Dear all,

a short report from the Wikimedia Chapters Association, yesterday we had
a phone conference.
Participants and minutes can be found on Meta:

Here a short summary:

== Working Groups ==
The WCA has some working groups which are quite active around events
(offline meetings) but suffer from a lack of active participants during
the year. This is currently true for all working groups:

=== Chapters Manual ===

=== Chapters Exchange ===
Chapters exchange services / help.


=== Peer Review ===
So far Wikimedia Estonia and Wikimedia Austria have been reviewed.
Reports are still due.

In Hong Kong there should be a workshop on peer review but Fæ won't be
there, so we are looking for a replacement.


=== WCA Journal ===
Something like an "international Signpost" for Wikimedians. Chapters are
asked to remember the Journal when they write their monthly reports, so
they can publish some relevant thinks there as well.


== Current Issues ==
=== Trademarks ===
The Wikimedia Foundation wants to restructure their trademarks and the
right of use of those. This will affect all chapters. According the
Chapters Agreement they have a limited right to use the name Wikimedia,
the Wikimedia-Logos as well as the Wikimedia project names and logos.
This is subject to change in the future. At the moment there is a public
discussion about the "Trademark Practice" in which everyone is asked to
step in and get involved:


We have evidence, that the WMF has plans to withdraw the usage rights of
all Wikimedia trademarks from the chapters. Therefore it is important to
engage in this discussion as its result will the basis for further steps
by the WMF.

=== Wikimania Hong Kong - Chapters Village ===
On initiative of Wikimedia CH and Wikimedia Germany there will be a
Chapters Village at Wikimania. A place where the chapters present
themselves and where workshops can be given.
We are looking for ideas and people.

A suggestion by me: Offering short workshops, prepare a schedule in
advance (eg. two workshops per day) with simple topics which have a
practical impact but need little preparation:
* press accreditions - how to do
* writing monthly reports - best practices
* the process of an FDC request
Please enlist yourself:

=== Board Elections WMF ===
Another call to everyone to vote in the current board elections. The WCA
wants to stay neutral and doesn't give recommendations.
There is a Question / Answer page though which is helpful to take a

== WCA intern ==
=== Changes to the Charta ===
The WCA is in fact not only for Wikimedia Chapters but also for all
other Wikimedia organisations - "Thematic Organisations", user groups,
short: Wikimedia Affiliates. Therefore it was suggested to change the
name of the WCA accordingly.
Proposed is "Associations of Wikimedia Organisations" (AWiO or AWikiO).

There was also a suggestion to an article to the charta, allowing
temporary substitutes for council members. This wants to fix a problem
we had in Milan at the Wikimedia Conference, when a council member
couldn't attend a WCA meeting and sent another board member instead.

These changes are proposed resolutions on Meta and need to be approved
by 2/3 of the council members:

=== Regularity of the WCA Calls ===
To give more structure to the work in the WCA - and by that maybe even
improve the lack of participants in the working groups as mentioned
above, by offering a better working environment - I have suggested to
have regular phone conferences every four weeks. In the past it took too
long to find out that we need to have another call, prepare a Doodle
poll and decide a date.

The chair, Markus Glaser, has in preperation to this call already asked
for the general availability within a week when participants would be
available on a regular basis. The poll didn't indicate a time that fits
everyone but several best times which we will now iterate through.
That way we will now have WCA calls all four weeks but in a manner to
cope with the different timezones and to please all participants in some
way. I will try to participate whenever possible.

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Lausanne, +41 (21) 34066-22 -

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