Dear all,

many of Wikimedia contributors have had to talk to the press. In some
cases, it is the volunteer who contacts a journalist -- maybe by sending
a press release about a piece of news he/she would like the journal to
talk about. In other cases, the journalist directly contacts a volunteer
he wants to interview on a topic of interest.

Over the past few years, we have all experienced cases where journalists
did not know how the Wikimedia world works. But often, Wikimedia
contributors do not know either how the journalism world works, and what
are the rules and usages when talking with journalists.

In order to improve this situation, Wikimedia CH has organized an
half-day workshop with an experienced journalist, during which we will
learn how to interact with the press. In particular, he will look at and
comment on some of the press releases that Wikimedia CH has prepared and
distributed over the years, and see how they could be improved. Most
importantly, he will be ready to answer any question we may have.

The workshop will take in the auditorium of the "Musée cantonal de
zoologie" in Lausanne (Palais de Rumine, Place de la Riponne 6) on
friday 17 janvier, starting at 9:30 until lunch time. The presentation
will be in English, and the discussion in English or French, depending
on the participants (the press releases we will discuss will be in
French, though).

Attendance is free for regular contributors in the Wikimedia communauty;
other interested people should contact us.

To register, please email

Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any further question, or
if you already have particular questions you would like to get answered
during the workshop.

Best wishes,


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