the first one is in direct lin with Ludo's idea that we are currently
setting up in Lausanne area for the TAO project.


2010/12/1 Estermann Beat <>

>  Dear all,
> The following ideas posted at ** 
> <>(Ideas Competition for a digital Zurich) are inspired 
> from and contain a
> direct reference to Wikimedia/Wikipedia:
> ** <> (The
> Young assist the Elderly in digitizing their old photo collections - Junge
> helfen Alten, ihre Fotoschätze digital zu erschliessen)
> ** 
> <>(Libraries, Archives and Museums promote 
> Free Access to Knowledge - Zürcher
> Bibliotheken, Archive und Museen fördern den freien Zugang zu Wissen)
> Feel free to rate, comment, and expand the ideas. Visibility on ezuerich
> may be helpful in finding partners to realize some of your ideas or in
> spurring activities benefitting the cause of Free Knowledge…
> Best,
> Beat
> _____________________________________________________
> Beat Estermann
> Coordinator Project TAO
> Bern University of Applied Sciences
> Business and Administration
> Morgartenstrasse 2a
> Postfach 305
> CH-3000 Bern 22
> Phone +41 31 848 34 30
> Phone (direct number) +41 31 848 34 38
> Fax +41 31 848 34 31
> _______________________________________________
> Wikimedia CH website
> Wikimediach-l mailing list
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