Hello !

Very cool and double congrats as I was not there to do it real life.

Could it be possible that you indicate the pseudonymes under which all 
these editors work, so that we "link" with the real names and begin 
knowing them better ?


Michael Bimmler wrote:
> Hello,
> This (May 14th) afternoon, Wikimedia CH has been officially
> established at a meeting with 12 people present at Olten. The legally
> binding record of the Founding Assembly will follow but I'll already
> enclose some information:
> The board of Wikimedia CH:
> As president:
> Ilario Valdelli (president, representative of Ticino)
> As members:
> Frédéric Schutz (representative of Romandie)
> Robin Schwab
> Christian Seidl
> Rupert Thurner
> Jürg Wolf
> Michael Bimmler (secretary/members affairs)
> The board will formally distribute the ressorts at it's first meeting.
> As auditors (not part of the board):
> Jürg Studer
> Patrick Kenel
> Ad hoc elected Press speaker
> For german-speaking part of Switzerland: Nando Stöcklin
> For french-speaking part of Switzerland (Romandie): Frédéric Schütz
> For italian-speaking part of Switzerland: Ilario Valdelli
> Official contact adress:
> Wikimedia CH
> 8008 Zürich
> info at wikimedia dot ch
> www.wikimedia.ch
> A press release will be distributed tomorrow.
> Wikimedia CH's first event will be Swiss Wikipedia Day 2006 in Zürich
> (ETH Zürich), more information is to follow.

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