Meeting Minutes-10 August 2017


Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Rebecca O’Neill (RO)

Sharon Flynn (SF)

User Group


   Simple APG-the committee approved the reallocation of funds to pay PRSI
   for Rebecca. There is a meeting scheduled with WMF to discuss our progress
   so far.

   The website ( is live. EE requested that Google Analytics
   be put on the site.

   Project Coordinator Update (RO)

      Working on added content to the website.

      A wikidata expert is coming to Ireland in late August to give a
      series of talks on the Article Placeholder and how it can be
implemented in

      DRI September workshop information has been posted online. The event
      will be on Creative Commons Licensing. Looking at flyer created
WMDE to use
      at event.

      The UCD workshops for 2017 have been confirmed for 11 October and 22
      November, both at 10am. The theme this year is Irish Women.

      An editing event will be held at TOG in Dublin on 30 August from 7-9.

      Prinitng-ordered the WLM flyer, Vinyl Banner, Table top banner, and
      other flyers.



   GAZE Workshop-5 August-we had a few participants. Some articles were
   updated and logos for the event uploaded to Wikipedia. The organisers are
   interested in hosting future events.

Upcoming Workshops


   TOG Workshop-30 August 7-9 pm

   DRI Workshops-5 September, 17 October, 16 November

   UCD Workshops-11 October and 22 November

   NLI-September-training for librarians in Creative Commons Licensing

Possible Future Events


   Accenture Pride Event-looks like we’ll be putting this off until next
   year. EE will stay on top of it.

   Wiki Science-November-Science Gallery seems receptive to hosting an
   event. RO is working on getting prizes and other sponsors. EE advised that
   Accenture might be interested.  A collaboration with WIkimedia UK is also
   not out of the question.

   Vicipéid Workshop-Galway-SF spoke to a few organisers. Looking forward
   to October for a possible event. Still working on organising a train the
   trainers workshop.



   No news



   Launch at Archeaofest-26 August 11-4.

   Website-RO created a sub page on EE will redirect there.

   SE will contact the international team about the Upload Wizard/Wikidata

   RO will craft a press release.

-- Shannon
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Chair - Shannon Eichelberger
Project Coordinator - Rebecca O'Neill

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