Meeting Minutes-7 February 2017


Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Rebecca O’Neill (RO)

Sharon Flynn (SF)

User Group


   Simple APG

      Still waiting on a decision from the committee.

      The meeting on 30 January was mostly positive. The committee asked
      for a mock up on combining the 2 contract positions into 1 part time
      position. SE sent it on to the committee on 31 January. SE will wait to
      create the job descriptions until we have clarification on whether this
      will be 2 contractors or 1 part time.

      SE will send an email to WMF asking for an update.



   Upcoming Schedule:

      8 February-#EditWikiLit event UCC-9-11am-Donna Alexander has
      organised this event with her MA English Lit students. They will tweet
      during the event. RO is on Twitter duty and will help out virtually as

      28 February-DCU Library-2-5-This is being organised by the librarian
      at DCU with assistance from Rebecca.

      March-Trinity College Library-workshop celebrating the 50th
      anniversary of the Berkeley Library.

      8 March-NUI Maynooth-International Women’s Day workshop-2:30-5:30.
      This event is being organised by Brian McKenzie. It will take
place in the
      computer lab at Maynooth and is open to the public, though they have to
      pre-register. RO will assist on the day. A page for the event is in the
      process of being created.

      9 March-NUI Galway-International Women’s Day-10:30-3:30. The
      University is providing lunch for this event. RO will travel to Galway to
      assist SF with this event. SF reported that there have been some
      registrations and suggested articles are being added to the event page.

      June 2017-possible UCC event



   GLAM Wiki Conference-Paris-15 February-RO is travelling to this event on
   behalf of the group.



   No news.


-- Shannon Eichelberger
Wikimedia Community Ireland

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