

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arjuna Rao Chavala <>
Date: Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 10:36 PM
Subject: [WMIN-Members] Call for participation of Members in Chapter Task

Dear Members,

With the objective of increasing the engagement of  members of the chapter
actively in various initiatives that would align to their interests and
passions, the Executive Committee (EC) has come up with focused Task Forces
for coordinating and driving various  chapter activities.

There are two types of Task Forces -  Project Task Forces and Operations
Task Forces. The Project Task Forces are focused on growing Wikimedia
projects. The Operations Task Forces are critical functions to enable the
Project Task Forces and the Chapter in growing the movement.

Project Task Forces

City and Language Special Interest

Chair, City and Language Special Interest Groups: Sudhanwa Jogalekar

Special Projects <> (Special
projects requiring coordination across multiple SIGs. GLAM is one such

Chair, Special Projects: Arun Ramarathnam

Operations Task Forces

Administration <>:

Head, Administration: Srinivas Gunta

Fundraising <>:

Head, Fundraising: Anirudh Bhati

Communications, PR & Media Relations<>

Head, Communications, PR & Media Relations: Tinu Cherian

Task Force Stewardship

The Task Force stewardship will be provided by EC members in terms of
 encouraging volunteers to join the Task Force,  coordinating for financial
resources and  other resources across the Task Forces and the EC.   EC
members will work with the Task Forces to grow volunteer base, support and
enable planning and execution.

Call for member participation

We encourage every member of the chapter to volunteer for a Project and/or
 a  Operations Task Force based on his/her interests. This would allow
members to actively participate in chapter activities and strengthen the
various projects and functions. The Task Forces also allow for creating a
leadership pipeline for the chapter EC.

Please review the scope of activities of the various Task Forces by
following the hyperlinks against the names of the task force (above)  on
 the members wiki  and use the discussion pages for seeking clarifications.
You can also reach the leads of the various Task Forces for any

Please sign up to the various Task Forces as per your interest and help in
shaping the chapter initiatives and executing  the same.

Looking forward to your active participation in the Task Forces.

Arjuna Rao Chavala,
President, Wikimedia Chapter.

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