---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arjuna Rao Chavala <>
Date: Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 3:47 PM
Subject: Election Committee appointment for Wikimedia Chapter Elections-2012

Dear Members,


I am glad to inform you that Election
Wikimedia Chapter have been approved by EC.

As per this, EC has constituted an Election Committee consisting of
Mr Gautam K John,  Returning officer,
Mr Balasundara Raman, Polling officer

The terms of reference for the committee include

   - Announce the elections and call for nominations by members
   - Ensure that there are at least the minimum number of nominations by
   encouraging members to submit their nomination forms
   - Screen the nominations and form a slate for Election
   - Work with EC to arrange for printing and posting of ballots
   - Conduct the voting for members participating in person during  AGM
   - Count the valid ballots (both postal and in person) and announce the

I request your support and cooperation to the committee for the smooth
conduct of Wikimedia Chapter Elections-2012


Arjuna Rao Chavala

President, Wikimedia Chapter
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