Goa University to make available online Konkani Wikipedia, within 6 months 


Thick heaps of the four volumes of Konkani language ‘vishwakosh’ or 
encyclopedia , till now available only in hard copy, will now attain a modern 
access. The four volumes of encyclopaedia work, initially started by prominent 
Goan writer and academician late Manoharrai Sardessaiat of Goa University, will 
now be accessed in digitized format, alongside forming a base for a Konkani 
As mentioned by officials, the Konkani Wikipedia is to be ready to access 
within upcoming six months. With this, Goa University has turned out to be the 
first varsity in the nation to enter into a creative commons licence that will 
permit copyrighted produced data by an Indian university accessible to internet 
users and open to modification (wiki), making Goa University a victory of sorts 
of free information. 

The university has signed a three-year MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with 
the Centre for Internet and Society's Access to Knowledge Programme. This 
centre represents Wikipedia in India, and now also the Konkani Wikipedia 

After Google, Facebook and Yahoo, Wikipedia is the fourth most used asset on 
the internet which operates as an internet based encyclopaedia. Over Wikipedia, 
any of the users can upload new information and can also update or amend an 
existing topic. The Konkani Wikipedia is also planned to offer similar 
privileges to its users. GU's Konkani department and the centre will manage the 
development from the university campus.

"The Konkani vishwakosh covers all realms of knowledge like any other 
encyclopedia. The Konkani Wikipedia will act as a digitized repository of 
knowledge for future generations and Konkani speakers across the world. I look 
forward to the pleasure of going to the internet and clicking away to access a 
Konkani Wikipedia," GU vice-chancellor Satish Shetye said.

Shetye told, GU is delighted to relate with Wikipedia, which has become a 
global trend breaking the monopoly of publishers and transforming the way of 
sharing of knowledge into a democratic process.

GU registrar Vijayendra Kamat mentions, "At present, it takes time for a page 
with information in a regional language to download because they are usually 
found in the form of scanned pages, which are accessible as images and not 
text. The Konkani Wikipedia will make the text accessible as is the case of any 
English text on the internet”, 

The Konkani vishwakosh, containing four large volumes of total of 3,632 pages, 
 is a work of period of 14 years. It was edited by late Manoharrai Sardessai 
followed by the editor Tanaji Halarnkar. For the compilation process, GU Staff 
members, Ranjan Naik, Kalpana Naik, Kanchan Mordekar, Surekha Naik, Mukesh 
Thali and Shailendra Mehta contributed to it.

Konkani vishwakosh or encyclopedia covers, concisely presented world 
information with special weight given on information on Goa, Konkani, Goan 
culture, folklore, history, geography etc. The Wikipedia is offered in 20 
Indian languages that includes Telugu, Assamese, Marathi, but not in language 
Konkani so far.
Interested Students, Professors or anyone else could contribute to this Konkani 
Encyclopaedia project by enrolling online at bit.ly/konkanivishwakosh, before 
05 October 2013.


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