It has been pointed out that while the Meta page on WikiConference India
2011 has been updated regarding a few appointments for the Working Group,
this information has not been given to the community.

During the first Working Group meeting held on 19 Jun 2011 at Mumbai, three
functional appointments were decided upon so that the Working Group has a
conventional face to present to the world. The three positions decided upon
were Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

 Some names for these appointments were proposed and accepted. The following
were asked to carry out the functions -
* Chair - Pranav Curumsey
* Secretary - yours truly
* Treasurer - Pradeep Mohandas

As such, these are seen as working appointments only and carry no perks or
status different from others in the Working Group aside from being so named.
Thought you would like to know.

What we do need are the good wishes and the constant support of the
community at all times. Please do advice us and help us to come to important
decisions. Discussions with fewer participants are less likely to have good
solutions to issues than discussions with more participation.

Also, the working group needs many more volunteers even now. We need people
to come forth for logistics, scholarship coordination, speaker management
and other so vital though unglamorous tasks. Without the solid foundation
provided by these extremely important teams no program devised by the
Program Team can succeed even if it were the best program in the world.

So sign up today and lend a hand please.

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur
Wikimediaindia-l mailing list

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