
From: Ganesh Paudel <>
Date: 15 Oct 2014 09:28:11 +0000 (UTC)
To: Gerard Meijssen <>;Martin Rulsch <>;Carlos Colina <>;Biplab Anand <>;"" <>;MF-Warburg <>;nepaliwiki <>;Abhishek Singh <>
Subject: Re: Request for approving Maithili Wikipedia

   Dear Language Committee and All,
   Thanks for approving Maithili Wikipedia. We are more than happy to
   hear this news. Now we have got the free and open encyclopedia in
   the second largest language spoken in Nepal.

   I hope this will open a new arena to develop and share content in
   one more of our own languages.

   I acknowledge Prof. Dr. Yogendra P. Yadava, Mr. Dharmendra Jha, Mr.
   Shiv Bhushan Lal, Mr. Biplav Anand from Nepal and Muzammil and all
   Maithili Wikipedians from India for your support for revision and
   content creation.

   I also acknowledge Mr. MF-Warburg, Gerard, Carlos, Alolita, Martin
   and all friends from WMF and Language Committee for your support and
   enthusiasm on this.

   Happy editing!

   With best regards
   Ganesh K Paudel
   Wikimedians of Nepal

   On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 2:38 PM, MF-Warburg
   < <>> wrote:

       Dear all,
       thank you for your evaluations of the content of Maithili
       Wikipedia Incubator.
       The Wikimedia Board of Trustees, on the recommendation of the
       Language Committee of Wikimedia, has now, based on yours and
       others' assessments approved the creation of the Maithili
       Wikipedia as a proper site based on the content of the Incubator

       You will be able to visit (and contribute to) Maithili Wikipedia
       soon at <> (the technical set-up may
       take some days).

       Best regards,
       Member, Language Committee, Wikimedia Foundation

       2014-10-08 15:15 GMT+02:00 Y.P. Yadava <

           Dear all,
           I very much appreciate Maithili incubator Wikipedia
           initiative and would like to contribute to it. Some of the
           areas of my specialization include linguistic studies in
           Maithili and other Nepalese languages and their application
           to mother tongue-based multilingual education ( MLE). Please
             brief me about the template of the Wikipedia entries to
           facilitate me to send in my contributions.
           Wish you success in this momentous task.
           Yogendra P. Yadava,  PhD
           Professor (Linguistics, retired)
           Tribhuvan University
           Kathmandu, Nepal
           Life Member
           Nepal Academy

           Sent from my iPad

           On Oct 8, 2014, at 4:21 PM, Dharmendra Jha
           < <>> wrote:

               I Have visited Maithili Wikipedia. It is fantastic. It
               is great job. I have randomly seen some article in this
               Wikipedia. I found they all are written in Maithili. I
               wish for the success of Maithili Wikipedia.

               On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:44 PM, <
               <>> wrote:

                   Dear Ganesh ji & Mr. MF-Warburg,

                   I have reviewed the following articles randomly and
                   found all content
                   written in Maithili lanugage.



                   I wish for the success of Maithili Wikipedia.


                   Shiv Bhushan Lal

                    > Prof. Dr. Haribansa Jha, Economist, Maithili Scholar
                    > Prof. Dr. Yogendra Prasad Yadav, Maithili Linguist
                    > Dr. Ram Dayal Rakesh, Writer, Maithili Scholar
                    > Mr. Shiv Bhushan Lal, Advisor, Wikimedia Nepal
                    > Mr. Dharmendra Jha, Writer, Journalist and Former
                   President of Federation
                    > of Nepalese Journalists
                    > Dear Sirs,
                    > Wikipedia is a free and open source online
                   encyclopedia made by the
                    > individual efforts of volunteers. Wikipedia
                    > can be edited by every individual.
                    > Wikipedia is made in 287 languages in the world.
                   Many language Wikipedia
                    > are in test now.
                    > We have been testing Maithili Wikipedia since
                   2008. Now the Wikipedia has
                    > got over 1,100 pages. It has got a
                    > pretty good number of volunteers contributors.
                    > Now the Maithili Wikipedia has met all
                   requirements needed to a Full Wiki.
                    > The language committee in the Wikimedia
                   Foundation will approve it when
                    > scholars (renowned linguists, writers,
                    > professors) will approve the existing content. We
                   need your big favour in
                    > this regard.
                    > What we request you to do is You have to go
                   through any three random pages
                    > of your choice in the Maithili Wiki
                    > test, read the content and tell whether it is
                   written in Maithili language
                    > or not.
                    > This revision will support the entire Maithili
                   Wikipedia community to have
                    > full Wikipedia in our language.
                    > The link of Maithili Wikipedia article index is
                   as follows
                    > or you can find any article by typing in the
                   search box at the top right.
                    > This test wiki may contain very short articles
                   like one liners. If you
                    > selected very short one, please skip to
                    > another one.
                    > If you have any difficulty or confusion, feel
                   free to contact us.
                    > With best regards
                    > Ganesh K. Paudel
                    > Wikipedian/Wikimedian
                    > Wikimedia Nepal
                    > (Affiliated as Wikimedians of Nepal)
                    > On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 10:15 PM, MF-Warburg
                    > wrote:
                    >> Hello Muzammil and Ganesh,
                    >> the activity of Maithili Wikipedia in Incubator
                   is now acceptable for
                    >> approval indeed.
                    >> The Language committee is willing to approve it,
                   but usually for the
                    >> first
                    >> Wikimedia project in a language, we contact a
                   linguist or other scholar
                    >> who
                    >> is an expert in the language, and ask him to
                   verify that the content in
                    >> Incubator is indeed written in this language (as
                   I already explained to
                    >> Ganesh when we talked in London).
                    >> Do you know any such linguists/expert on
                   Maithili language which LangCom
                    >> could contact for this verification?
                    >> Best regards,
                    >> MF-Warburg
                    >> 2014-09-29 22:00 GMT+02:00 Hindustanilanguage <
                    >>> Dear MF Warburg,
                    >>> Greetings.
                    >>> We are working quite intensely for an
                   independent Maithili Wikipedia.
                    >>> Can you can probably see a brief list of our
                    >>> 1) Activity level has increased - 16 active
                   users and about 60 overall
                    >>> users (from the link you had earlier shared
                   with me).
                    >>> 2) Wikimedia blog (see:
                    >>> )
                    >>> 3) Growing social media activity for the Wikipedia:
                    >>> We eagerly await a formal approval from the
                   language committee in this
                    >>> direction.
                    >>> Regards,
                    >>> Muzammil.
                    >>> --
                    >>> This email was sent by Hindustanilanguage to
                   MF-Warburg by the "Email
                    >>> user" function at Meta.

-- Dharmendra Jha
               News Consultant
               Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
               Immidiate Past Reserve Advisor
               International Federation Of Journalists (IFJ)
               Federation Of Nepali Journalists (FNJ)

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