Dear all,

 A quick update on Wikipatrika.  Here's the current draft of the next issue

As you can see, most of the sections have been updated with information on
events, meetups and Wikipedia news of our various language communities.
This time, we've also added an interview of a community member (Bpositive's
report on INCOTM) and an external interview  (interview with a GLAM
Director) to make Patrika more informative and interesting.

Quite a few of you may already have contributed to this draft. The pages
for as, bn, gu, hi, en, kn, ne, or, sa, te and ta have already been
translated from the respective languages. There is also a Commons tab where
we can add information on various photo walks. The reason why I'm sharing
this update is for everyone else to add material that may have been left
out or any other details.  Do remember that we are planning to release this
on May 10th so please do add your edits / sections by May 9th.

Also, going forward, we hope to coordinate the issue on the Wikipatrika
mailing list. So, I invite all those interested to join the Wikipatrika
mailing list here:

Noopur Raval
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