Dear members and other concerned friends,

As you all know, we recently completed the election process for Wikimedia
India Chapter Executive Committee (EC) Elections for year 2014 and 6 new
members were recently elected.

As part of the Transition process, an Induction Workshop is going on for
the newly elected members so that the new EC can take over from the
outgoing members.

With an agreement from all the EC members, the Workshop is being  held from
the 13th – 15th Dec in Kothanur, Bangalore.

As part of the Induction process past EC Arun Ramarathnam has agreed to
help with the Induction. Among the outgoing EC members, Karthik Nadar and
Nikita Belavate will be attending the Workshop to help with the Transition.

Agendas for the Workshop Include –

   - ·         Background on Wikimedia  Globally

   - ·         Wikimedia in India – Past, Present and Future Path

   - ·         Community Interaction

   - ·         EC Roles & Responsibilities

Thank you and regards,

Jayanta Nath
Wikimedia India Chapter
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