Hey all,

I would like to introduce you to Project NeMo [1]- (short for News Mozilla). 
This is a community project led by Communication Reps of Mozilla in association 
with Mozilla PR.

Over the years, there has been a tremendous scope for Open Source and web 
technologies. But, all the knowledge and the know how of that has been 
restricted only to the so called 'netizens' albeit several efforts and 
promotions. A common man or a regular internet user does not know much about 
all that's happening around. We believe, that a significant population still 
relies on the newspaper and other forms of the print media for hobby, passion 
and information and that its the best way to reach them - across all ages and 
people's interests.

And so, in that regard, this project, NeMo aims at creating short articles on 
various topics concerning common web technologies - like " why and how css 
works ? Do we need Javascript at all, how is it helpful, What is PHP and HTML5? 
" and about Open Source Software too. The articles are written in about 300-400 
words in a manner that can be understood by all - from a student, working 
professional to the Grandpa down the street - perfectly suited for print media 
to reach all.

All the articles are being localized into various languages as well, thus 
providing opportunity for a wider reach. Check for sample articles here. [2]

Sounds interesting ? You may contribute to - Content Generation - to write 
articles or for Localization - translating purposes.[3] Sign up here. [4] 
Subscribe to the mailing list and say "Hi !" [5].


[1] - https://wiki.mozilla.org/NeMo
[2] - https://wiki.mozilla.org/NeMo/Articles
[3] - https://wiki.mozilla.org/NeMo/Workflow
[4] - https://press.etherpad.mozilla.org/2?
[5] - https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/reps-comms                             
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