A major conference cannot be driven by a single person, no matter how
well-intentioned or energetic. Two city communities (Mumbai & Pune)
were hard pressed to arrange the WikiConference in 2011. In effect a
WikiConference 2015 is sought to be organised in a clandestine manner
by calling it a summit but in no case has the proposer sought
community support and no city community has agreed to take this
challenge up. Such a proposal must be driven jointly by Chapter, city
communities and also the sister organisation CIS-A2K in partnership.
The proposal in itself is basically okay, its time India had anpther
conference or Summit or what you will. But to place the funding and
execution responsibility in the hands of a single individual not
backed by the community at large is NOT the way to go. This proposal
should be vetted by WMIN Chapter, community buy-in to the proposal
obtained, proper planning done and then the proposal put forth once
again by India Chapter as one of its events. AshLin (talk) 18:02, 3
March 2015 (UTC)

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur

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