Hi Everyone,

As we all know, Kenya participated in the Wiki Loves Monuments Contest
that concluded recently. We had 97 images uploaded to Commons of Kenyan
Monuments cutting across  Kenya's diverse geography. Surprising to all of
us, we had images from as far as Nyeri and  Mombasa

A jury of 3 was selected to help judge the images that would participate in
the International Contest. The Jury was Diverse and had consisted of memvsr
from: Wikimedia France, Wikimedia Ghana(Unchapter) and Wikimedia Kenya.

The judging criteria involved each member of the Jury selecting his/her top
10 best images . After which each member was then allowed to score each
image he/she had selected with 10points for best image and 1 point for the
least. The points across all the images were then summed and the final
score for each image used to select the final images . Incase of a tie in
points, the image that was voted by the most number of Jury members was
given a higher weight and so forth.

Here are the Top 10 Images that would compete in the International Contest:

Next Steps:

   - First is to Congratulate everyone who prticipated in the Challenge
   either through helping iwth the ourgainization ir as a participant.
   - Since we could not ask for a budget for National Winners, we would be
   trying to solicit for consolation prizes to award to all the Top Images
   from Friendly Chapters of The Foundation
   - To reach out to all the participants(especially out of Nairobi) who
   will be key to our scaling of our projects across the country bearing in
   mInd that most od us hail in Nairobi
   - Encouraged by the small success of this, we hope to make a
   better budget and preparations foe next years WLM

Once again, congratulations to all


Limoke Oscar,
Dream.Believe.Become....a world of endless oportunities
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