Dear all

*Register here
for Wikimedia UK's 2021 AGM*

We have just sent out an email to Wikimedia UK members with formal
notification of our AGM on Saturday 10th July. If you believe that you are
a current member but haven't received the email, please get in touch with Or if you know your membership has lapsed
but you would like to be able to vote in our trustee elections, please go
to renew your membership.

The draft agenda for the day is online here
<>. The AGM itself will run from 2 -
3pm, however we have planned other activities from 11am. This includes a
talk with George Oates - the entrepreneur and designer who created the
Flickr Commons programme -as well as lightning talks from our volunteers
and partners and the presentation of our Wikimedian of the Year awards.
Invitation for candidates for election to the Board

There are three trustee vacancies at this year’s AGM, with one existing
trustee standing for re-election. Any member who meets the criteria has the
right to stand, although we are particularly keen to hear from potential
candidates with experience in external relations, charity law, governance
or the cultural sector. Understanding and experience of the Wikimedia
community is also very beneficial, although not essential for every board

If you wish to stand please follow the procedure here
<> and submit your
application to the teller – Katie Crampton at – no
later than Friday 25th June. Please do feel free to get in touch with me if
you would like to arrange an information discussion about joining the board
prior to submitting your nomination.
Voting Papers

All current members of the charity will be sent AGM papers by email,
including voting papers and proxy forms. We would encourage you to make use
of your membership voting rights whether or not you are able to come to the
meeting itself. Voting at the AGM will take place online, with proxy voting
available for those unable to attend on the day (the deadline for which is
48 hours before the start of the AGM).

If you have changed your email in the last year or would prefer us to use a
different email address to contact you on, please email by Friday 25th June - which is also the
deadline to apply for or renew your membership. You can also use this email
to contact us if you haven't received your voting papers by Monday 5th July.
Annual Report and Accounts

The annual report and accounts for 2020/21 are in the process of being
signed off and will be published online prior to the AGM. All members will
be sent a link to our online versions of the Annual Report and Strategic
Report once they are available.
Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks have proved a popular feature at past meetings and give
members the opportunity to hear about a wide range of projects and
activities related to Wikimedia and open knowledge more broadly. If you
would like to give a talk, or are interested in finding out more about what
this would involve, please email Karla at

We would love to see as many of our members, volunteers and other
stakeholders as possible online for our AGM on 10th July, so please sign up

All best wishes



Lucy Crompton-Reid

Chief Executive

Wikimedia UK <> is the national chapter for
the global Wikimedia open knowledge movement.

Wikimedia UK is a Registered Charity No.1144513.Company Limited by
Guarantee registered in England and Wales, Registered No. 6741827.

Registered Office Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London
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