Dear all

I do hope that you can join us for Wikimedia UK’s Annual General Meeting
(AGM) on Saturday 10th July 2021. After a successful online AGM in July
2020 we’re holding it over Zoom again this year; although we are hoping to
be able to hold some in person events for volunteers and members later in
the year.

Sign up to attend

Anyone who wants to attend must register in advance, so please sign up on
the Eventbrite page here
with your full name (not Wikimedia user name). We will only be sending the
Zoom link to registered attendees.


The day will start at 11am and close at 3pm - with a break for lunch
(and/or informal networking) - and feature our usual mix of keynote
speakers, talks, awards and of course the AGM itself. This will include
reports from the Chair, Treasurer and Chief Executive, and an opportunity
to ask the board and executive questions about the charity’s work.

If you would like to give a lightning talk, please contact Karla at with a brief description of what you would
like to talk about.


The board is proposing ordinary resolutions which are on our wiki here
Members are also very welcome to propose resolutions for consideration at
the AGM. A resolution could be about a change to Wikimedia UK’s governing
document (our Articles of Association) or a change to our policies, or ways
of working. Any member who wishes to do so must let us know, with some
suggested text (although we can work on this with you), by Thursday 3rd June.
The text may either be sent by email to the charity at
or may be posted on the wiki

Trustee elections

This year we will have three vacancies for elected trustees, with two board
members having to retire in accordance with our articles, and one who has
come to the end of their current elected term but has indicated that they
will stand again. I would like to strongly encourage community members to
consider standing for election this year and look out for details of how to
stand, which will be circulated early next week.

Alongside community experience, we would be keen for people to stand with
skills and experience external relations, charity law, governance or the
cultural sector. However this is not essential. What is more important is a
commitment to open knowledge and the work of Wikimedia UK, and a
willingness to take on the responsibility of being a charity trustee and
board director of a limited company. There is more information about what
this means here

We strongly value diversity in Wikimedia UK's board of trustees and this
year, would particularly encourage younger people (aged under 40) to stand.


You don’t have to be a member of the charity to attend the online AGM and
Community Day. However, you do need to be a member to be able to vote for
trustees and resolutions or to be able to stand for election to the board.
Membership costs only £5 a year and takes a few minutes to apply for here

If you have any questions or more general comments, please do get in touch
with me or Katie.

With best wishes



Lucy Crompton-Reid

Chief Executive


Wikimedia UK <> is the national chapter for
the global Wikimedia open knowledge movement.

Wikimedia UK is a Registered Charity No.1144513.Company Limited by
Guarantee registered in England and Wales, Registered No. 6741827.

Registered Office Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London
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