Hey Chris,

congratulations, thats a huge step forward, and I wish you guys at WMUK all
the best for the hiring process. I do believe that hiring an ED as your
first employee is the right way forward (well, at least in most cases), and
I look forward to work with her or him. If there is *anything* we at WMDE
can do now or after you hired, please do not hesitate to ask.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Pavel Richter
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Eisenacher Straße 2
10777 Berlin

Telefon 030 - 219 158 26-0

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Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.

2011/7/15 Chris Keating <chriskeatingw...@gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> Today Wikimedia UK placed an advertisement for a Chief Executive. You can
> see the advert here: http://bit.ly/mU1USs
> As you can see from the advert we are looking for a top-calibre individual
> who will play a key role in the future growth and development of a rapidly
> expanding organisation.
> We are very pleased that we've reached this point. Getting to this stage
> has not been easy - you will probably be aware that this post has been
> talked about for getting on for a year. Managing the recruitment process
> has, and will continue, to take up a significant amount of time for the
> Board (particularly Roger and Andrew), even aided by the advice of
> professional HR consultants. However I hope you will agree that getting the
> right person filling this role is of vital importance for the future.
> We've invited community input into our hiring strategy at several stages,
> including at the AGM. We are still committed to involving the community in
> this and if you have views on the Chief Executive's role or the further
> development of our staff structure please do let us know either on or off
> list.
> Also, if you know anyone who might be interested, please do point them
> towards the advert!
> Chris
> WMUK Board
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