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From: "Asaf Bartov" <abar...@wikimedia.org>
Date: 17 Sep 2014 03:21
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Bangalore Consultation Delegates invited
To: "Wikimedia India Community list" <wikimediaindi...@lists.wikimedia.org>

Hello, everyone.

Following the community nominations (where available), we have now posted
the almost-final invitee list for the upcoming Bangalore consultation, here:


If your name appears, please do confirm accepting the invitation AND e-mail
me, to make sure I have your up-to-date address to handle travel
arrangements.  I will also be following up in a couple of days with anyone
who may not be on this list.

See the page for more context on how delegates were selected.  Bear in mind
that we're already past 40 people total, which is nearing the limit of
effective conversation, so we couldn't invite absolutely everyone.

Let me reiterate that the meeting is not secret, and will be adequately

Also, that the goal is not to make any decisions that would bind
communities or launch new initiatives.  Rather, it is to come up with a
shared vision and strategic direction for the (multiple, different!)
initiatives in diverse communities and regions, and by various groups and
means.  Ideally, the proposals and agreement reached at the meeting would
be a basis for wider discussion and, IF agreeable to the wider communities,
a basis for future work by the various groups and individuals.

I look forward to a productive meeting, and to meeting some of you for the
first time! :)


    Asaf Bartov
    Wikimedia Foundation <http://www.wikimediafoundation.org>

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