Please consider sharing this invitation in your communities.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Quim Gil* <>
Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Subject: FOSS OPW: looking for female technical contributors
To: Wikimedia developers <>, Wikimedia
Mailing List <>

Dear wikimedians,

The Free and Open Source Souftware Outreach Program for Women offers paid
internships to developers and other technical profiles working on projects
together with free software organizations. Wikimedia is participating
again, and we welcome candidates.

This call is open to Wikimedia volunteers (editors, developers...) and also
to people that would contribute for the first time in our projects. In the
past editions we have seen that candidates coming through a direct
recommendation have good chances of success. It is also known that many
good potential candidates will be reluctant to step in, but they will if
someone (like you) encourages them to apply, or to contact us with any

You can make a difference. If you know women with software development or
open source background / interest and full time availability between
December and March, please forward them this invitation. Thank you!

Quim Gil
Engineering Community Manager @ Wikimedia Foundation

Quim Gil
Engineering Community Manager @ Wikimedia Foundation
Wikitech-ambassadors mailing list

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