John Erling Blad pointed us to this thread. I was not subscribed to the list, 
so I'm sorry that this repond probably creates a new thread.

We, UNINETT, operates Feide, the norwegian Identity Federation for students 
from lower and higher education and research institutions in Norway. Feide 
would allow services, like Wikipedia, to verify end users (with some additional 
user data, like userid, email and name etc) using the SAML 2.0 protocol. The 
end users will then login on their instituion login page using their 
institutional credentials, they will also have single sign-on to other sites.

We also maintain the software package SimpleSAMLphp, that implements the 
various roles in the SAML 2.0 protocol architecture, including support for 
acting as a Service Provider, which will be the relevant role for a service 
like Wikipedia. SimpleSAMLphp is implemented in PHP, and while we are not 
maintaining mediawiki extensions to integrate with others, I believe others 
have done some efforts:

SimpleSAMLphp is one of many open source products implementing SAML.

We have a good contact network of other educational Identity Federations across 
the world, and in particular Europe and US. We have been part of two 
initiatives for allowing service provider to connect to a wide range of 
Identity Federations (at once), including GEANT eduGAIN and Kalmar2. 

Identity Federations, like Feide, can provide:

        * verified accounts, something that may help controlling trolling.
        * user convenience of not having to register or maintain another set of 
credentials, + the convenience of SSO.

If you are interested in doing a pilot with connecting wikipedia to Feide, we 
may provide you with further details to proceed with that.

The user centric Identity Federation paradigm, represented by protocols like 
OpenID (and others), will (usually) not provide you with verified accounts, but 
still get you the user convenience of SSO and re-use of existing account.

OpenID has went throuh a few versions, 1.0 and 2.0, and currently OpenID 
Connect is beeing sorted out. OpenID Connect differs signficantly from earlier 
versions since it is built upon OAuth (a good thing). We're also a bit involved 
with the OpenID Connect standardization. As part of the GÉANT Identity 
Federation project in collaboration with Kantara Initative, we will be 
responsible for implementing an automated interoperability test facility for 
OpenID Connect, like this:

OAuth "alone" can not provide authentication of users to Wikipedia from 
external sites. But, it can be used to grant a user authorization to wikpiedia 
content through a back-channel REST API (without exposing credentials through 
this api). I believe that was the idea that this thread started with, which 
seems like a very good idea, but a very different idea than offering federated 
login. OAuth also exists in multiple versions, and I think it would be 
reccomended to go for OAuth 2.0 for any new projects that have not supported 
earlier versions of OAuth.

Andreas Åkre Solberg

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