On 8/24/12 12:33 PM, Nabil Maynard wrote:
My personal wishlist:
  - Persona: Previously called BrowserID.  It's come a LONG way in the past
few months, and provides another fairly clean identity/authentication

That's on Mozilla's wishlist, too!

For background, Persona is an open, decentralized identity system that tries to learn from and build on the foundation set by previous systems like OpenID.

Mozilla is using it in production on quite a few sites (MDN, Bugzilla, Mozillians, Marketplace, Firefox Affiliates, Popcorn, OpenBadges, etc), and we'd love to see Persona as an option for Mediawiki-based sites. Especially for wiki.mozilla.org.

From what I understand, one of the biggest hurdles is the account model. Persona replaces usernames and passwords with email addresses and cryptographic proofs of ownership. IIRC, MediaWiki doesn't necessarily collect email addresses for new accounts, so a plugin would have to have some sort of interactive migration built in for when a user first authenticates with Persona.

This isn't insurmountable (MDN dealt with a similar problem), but thus far a plugin hasn't materialized.

Our docs are at https://developer.mozilla.org, we hang out in #identity on irc.mozilla.org, and our mailing list is at https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-identity

As a member of the Identity team at Mozilla, I'm also personally available to help out / answer any questions an implementer might have.


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