Lydia and Amir FTW.

(There seems to be a pattern of good news from the Wikidata and ORES teams.
I wonder if Team Practices could facilitate the replication of some of
their methods!)

Onward ho,
On Jun 16, 2016 10:14, "Lydia Pintscher" <>

Hey folks :)

Amir and other have worked hard over the past months to bring ORES to
Wikidata. The goal is to use machine learning to make it easier to spot
potentially bad edits. ORES is now available as a beta feature on Wikidata.
Once you have enabled it you can see some edits in recent changes and
watchlist will show up in a different color or have a little r in front of
them. These edits are judged as potentially bad and should probably get
more review. In your preferences you can adjust how harsh ORES should
judge. You can also filter your watchlist/recent changes to only show
potentially bad edits. Patrolled edits won't be shown as potentially bad.

This should be a huge step towards making it easier to find and fight
vandalism on Wikidata.

Lydia Pintscher -
Product Manager for Wikidata

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