On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Gabriel Wicke <gwi...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Dear Wikipedians,
> We'd like to announce a major update of the Math (rendering) extension.
> For registered Wikipedia users, we have introduced a new math rendering
> mode using MathML, a markup language for mathematical formulae. Since MathML
> is not supported in all browsers [1], we have also added a fall-back mode
> using scalable vector graphics (SVG).
> Both modes offer crisp rendering at any resolution, which is a major
> advantage over the current image-based default. We'll also be able to make
> our math more accessible by improving screenreader and magnification support.
> We encourage you to enable the MathML mode in your Appearance preferences.
> As an example, the URL for this section on the English Wikipedia is:
>   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering
> For editors, there are also two new optional features:
> 1) You can set the "id" attribute to create math tags that can be
> referenced. For example, the following math tag
> <math id="MassEnergyEquivalence">
> E=mc^2
> </math>
> can be referenced by the wikitext
> [[#MassEnergyEquivalence|mass energy equivalence]]
> This is true regardless of the rendering mode used.
> 2) In addition, there is the attribute "display" with the possible values
> "block" or "inline". This attribute can be used to control the layout of the
> math tag with regard to centering and size of the operators. See
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Math/Displaystyle
> for a full description, of this feature.
> Your feedback is very welcome. Please report bugs in Bugzilla against the
> Math extension, or post on the talk page here:
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_talk:Math
> All this is brought to you by Moritz Schubotz and Frédéric Wang (both
> volunteers) in collaboration with Gabriel Wicke, C. Scott Ananian,
> Alexandros Kosiaris and Roan Kattouw from the Wikimedia Foundation. We also
> owe a big thanks to Peter Krautzberger and Davide P. Cervone of MathJax for
> the server-side math rendering backend.
> Best,
> Gabriel Wicke (GWicke) and Moritz Schubotz (Physikerwelt)
> [1]: Currently MathML is supported by Firefox & other Gecko-based browsers,
> and accessibility tools like Apple's VoiceOver. There is also partial
> support in WebKit.

Cool stuff. I'd like to personally thank Physikerwelt for caring so
much about math in MediaWiki and the Wikipedia projects. He's done a
lot of work to maintain the prior rendering pipeline and to bring this
new system to production.

Bryan Davis              Wikimedia Foundation    <bd...@wikimedia.org>
[[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]]  Sr Software Engineer            Boise, ID USA
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