Hi all!

Here are the minutes from this week's ArchCom meeting. You can also find the
minutes at <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Architecture_committee/2016-11-30>.

See also the ArchCom status page at
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Architecture_committee/Status> and the RFC board

Here are the minutes, for your convenience:

* Brion put together a draft for an ArchCom charter  draft for an ArchCom
charter.  Discussion to continue next week (possibly with Victoria present).
Some agreement that ArchCom should...
** ...have a clearer scope
** ...be more proactive
** ...produce guidance documents
** ...have a well defined role in the resource allocation process

* RFC board triage:
** Push back has based image URLs (T149847)
** Closing old (2016) working group task, we’ll discuss working groups in the
context of the charter draft.
** Plan to revive content model storage RFC (T105652), which got tangled with
** RFC on oldimage table refactoring ready to go on last call next week (T589)
** Deprecation policy (T146965) to be discussed next week (Dec 7)

Daniel Kinzler
Senior Software Developer

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Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.

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