Hi all!

Getting MCR support into MediaWiki is going to be one of the big challenges of
the next half year or so, and I'm really happy that quite a few people seem to
be interested in seeing it done. If you are interested in helping with the
effort, with discussion, review, coding, or organizing, please let me know.

Anyway, I have now put up a design draft for Multi-Content-Revision support
here: <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Multi-Content_Revisions>. The top level
page explains the concept and rationale, and it links to several subpages
discussing different parts of the overall design. Some of these parts are
already fairly mature, while others are still just collections of notes.

This is the first time I have made a writeup of how all the parts fit together,
and I'd be really grateful for feedback. I'm particularly interested in what you
think of the proposed database schema described at
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Multi-Content_Revisions/Content_Meta-Data>. Is
it appropriate? feasible? scalable?

The content meta-data storage design is the heart of MCR. While it doesn't
necessarily have to be done first, we need commitment on this before we do any
of the other parts.

I have however tried to isolate the different components to a large degree, so
they can be implemented independently of each other, as described at

Another part besides the content meta-data that is already quite mature and
ready for implementation is the BlobStore facility
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Multi-Content_Revisions/Blob_Storage>. But I'm
also interested in your thoughts on the design of the higher level interfaces
described in
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Multi-Content_Revisions/Revision_Retrieval> and

I have linked to some code experiments throughout the design document. Note that
these experiments often do not completely line up with the draft document. In
some cases, the experiment has progressed since the draft, in others, the draft
contains lessons learned from the experiment that never made it into code. The
canonical proposal is always the one on the wiki.

Please comment on the talk pages.


Daniel Kinzler
Senior Software Developer

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