Hi everyone,

With Wikimania and associated summer travel, this is going to be a rough
week to get everyone together at our usual time for the weekly
ArchCom-RFC IRC office hour:

There are a couple of RFCs that might make good short-term choices:

-   T137926 - Require 'curl' PHP extension for MediaWiki[1]

    James filed this a couple of weeks ago as a "μRfC".  The hope is
    to enable greater use of MultiHttpClient.

-   T136866 - Improve the per-programming-language listings for our

    Quiddity plans to expand this documentation in the coming quarter.
    A clearer idea about the status quo would help us guide developers
    about which languages we hope to attract new development in.

However, we would welcome suggestions for others.  Please comment here:

If nothing else, we can use this week's meeting as a triage discussion.


p.s. Updates continue on Architecture_committee/Status:

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