Happy new Gregorian calendar year everyone.

And congratulations and thanks to all Wikimedia contributors:

=== Phabricator 2019: ===

* 28928 tasks got created.
* 25891 tasks got closed.
* 3573 people were active in Phabricator.
* 2168 people created tasks.
* 783 people closed tasks.
* The 20 people who created the most tasks:
    Alicia_Fagerving_WMSE        492
    DannyS712                    475
    Krinkle                      399
    Urbanecm                     361
    hashar                       295
    Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE       281
    Reedy                        273
    Jdforrester-WMF              269
    ppelberg                     233
    RobH                         231
    Tgr                          228
    Marostegui                   220
    MMiller_WMF                  211
    Esanders                     210
    MoritzMuehlenhoff            209
    MarcoAurelio                 203
    ssastry                      191
    Jopparn                      188
    Mholloway                    184
    ops-monitoring-bot           184
* The 20 people who closed the most tasks:
    Aklapper            1142
    Jopparn              657
    Krinkle              549
    Urbanecm             459
    Jdforrester-WMF      449
    hashar               419
    Nuria                408
    ppelberg             388
    JMinor               376
    Reedy                345
    Lydia_Pintscher      329
    Addshore             315
    bd808                303
    DannyS712            300
    Etonkovidova         281
    Dbrant               277
    Jdlrobson            257
    matmarex             254
    Marostegui           253
    kai.nissen           251

=== Gerrit 2019 ===

* 57092 changesets got created. [1]
* 98385 reviews on patchsets happened. [2]
* 585 people created changesets. [3]
* The 10 people who submitted the most patchsets: [4]
    Jforrester          2,501
    Umherirrender       2,093
    Pwirth              1,636
    Marostegui          1,485
    Robert Vogel        1,404
    Krinkle             1,269
    Reedy               1,097
    Esanders            1,054
    Elukey                981
    Urbanecm              919
* The 10 people who reviewed the most patchsets: [5]
    Jforrester          5,886
    Timo Tijhof         3,604
    Robert Vogel        2,476
    Marostegui          2,376
    Daniel Zahn         2,307
    Luca Toscano        2,281
    Patric Wirth        2,242
    Jbond               1,997
    Moritz Muehlenhoff  1,769
    Thiemo Mättig       1,756

All data without guarantee, as software can always have bugs. ;) If you
find one, please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Community_metrics


[1] See "Gerrit 🡒 Changesets" on "Gerrit 🡒 Overview": 
[2] (Still work in progress to get this displayed on 
https://wikimedia.biterg.io/ ; see T241664)
[3] See "Gerrit 🡒 Changeset Submitters" on "Gerrit 🡒 Overview": 
[4] See "Submitters" on "Gerrit 🡒 Overview": 
[5] See "Approvals by Reviewer" on "Gerrit 🡒 Approvals": 
Andre Klapper (he/him) | Bugwrangler / Developer Advocate

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