Hello all!

Tanks to Kevin for taking over while I was on vacation. And apologies for
skipping the radar for our meeting on September 27.

Here are the minutes from this week's meeting. I have folded in some relevant
points from the previous weeks.

* SQL backend for EventLogging is to be dropped in favor of the hadoop backend.

* OCG has been turned off. Electron is a temporary replacement.

* CommTech is seeking guidance on global preference implementation.

* Ops had to turn off Wikidata RecentChanges integration on big wikis for
performance reasons, looking into workarounds:

* This week’s IRC discussion: Move rpc/RunJobs.php to core
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T175146>. You can find the minutes at

* Next week’s IRC discussion: Requiring PHP 7

As always, the discussion will take place in the IRC channel
#wikimedia-office on Wednesday 21:00 UTC (2pm PDT, 23:00 CEST).

You can also find our meeting minutes at

See also the TechCom RFC board

Daniel Kinzler
Principal Platform Engineer

Wikimedia Deutschland
Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.

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