Over the past week or so, I've found the review bot[1] created by Merlijn
extremely helpful. It automatically adds me as reviewer to all patch sets
that make changes to a file with "i18n" or "Messages" in the path. I try to
review within 12 hours, but as I need to sleep, spend time with the family,
eat and work on other stuff also, that sometimes doesn't happen. I'm also
subscribed to the mailing list mediawiki-commits, which is a stream for
*all* changes that come through Gerrit. Very high volume (200-400 e-mails a
day), but very useful for the type of work I do. Hard to keep up with, too.

Reviewer bot has malfunctioned a few times over the past few days. In those
cases I was not added as a reviewer. Apologies if I failed to review your
patch set. If you want to ensure that I have a look at it, please add
"siebrand" to the reviewers of your patch set. Sometimes I'm able to also
review patch sets other than i18n/L10n related, but because if a high
workload, I sometimes decline requests for review that are outside of my
direct scope. I hope you understand.

Other users that can review your i18n related patch sets are Amir Aharoni,
Niklas Laxström and Santhosh Thottingal. Feel free to send me a mail if you
think your patch set should have gotten an i18n review already, but didn't.

Rock on!

[1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Git/Reviewers
Siebrand Mazeland
Product Manager Language Engineering
Wikimedia Foundation

M: +31 6 50 69 1239
Skype: siebrand

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