Re: [Wikitech-l] Switching to elections for the Code of Conduct Committee?

2019-06-21 Thread Yaron Koren
Hi Kunal,

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 2:36 PM Kunal Mehta 

> I think it really depends for what kind of a makeup of committee we're
> looking for. I'd like to see the committee staffed with active
> Wikimedia developers who are familiar with our community norms, and
> then diversity across background/geography/employer/etc. I'm not sure
> whether an election is really the best way to create that kind of a
> committee.

I agree that diversity across a lot of different measures is good to have,
whether it's done through elections or otherwise. Personally, I think it
would be a big improvement if the Code of Conduct Committee were to include
at least person from the so-called "Enterprise MediaWiki" community: people
who use or develop MediaWiki outside of the Wikimedia Foundation or any
Wikimedia site, such as people who run it at their company. I think it
would bring a perspective that may be lacking in the committee at the
moment (just judging from the current members' short bios), and could help
to prevent some kind of ideological lockstep from forming. If it's not done
through elections, maybe it could be done through a quota system or

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Switching to elections for the Code of Conduct Committee?

2019-06-20 Thread Kunal Mehta
Hash: SHA512


On 6/18/19 3:24 PM, Yaron Koren wrote:
> That's what I'm writing about: I now think that the committee
> should be decided via open elections, instead of having the
> committee appoint itself. At the moment, this group has a complete
> lack of accountability: they could make any decision whatsoever at
> any time, and, according to the rules, there is literally no one
> who can stop them. With every passing year and additional "renewal"
> (that's what it's called), [3] it seems to me that their legitimacy
> as representing the views of the overall community decreases.

I don't agree with your conclusion, but I understand and somewhat
agree with having a bit more turnover/change in the makeup of the

But my understanding is that there simply has been a lack of
candidates stepping forward. In the discussion for 2018 candidates[1],
Dereckson said that there were only 3 applications for people not
already on the committee, and 11 total for 10 spots. Maybe Amir or
another committee member can shed some light on what the situation was
like this year.

I think even less people are likely to stand for an election than in
the current selection process.

> So, what do people think - is there any kind of significant support
> for the idea of elections for the CoC Committee?

I think it really depends for what kind of a makeup of committee we're
looking for. I'd like to see the committee staffed with active
Wikimedia developers who are familiar with our community norms, and
then diversity across background/geography/employer/etc. I'm not sure
whether an election is really the best way to create that kind of a

In any case, so far I've personally been happy with the candidates and
don't yet see any reason for change.


- -- Legoktm


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Switching to elections for the Code of Conduct Committee?

2019-06-18 Thread Pine W

I would like to address the proposal for Technical Code of Conduct
Committee elections in general terms, without discussing specific

When selecting candidates for powerful public bodies such as the Technical
Code of Conduct Committee, I think that considerable public scrutiny is
appropriate. There are a variety of ways that this level of scrutiny could
be applied, and I think that public elections are one option that is worth
considering. However, I also encourage us to be mindful that a public
political process of elections can have the unfortunate side effect that
candidates who become members of the Committee and want to retain their
roles for additional terms feel obligated to submit to political pressure
to make decisions regarding the conduct of specific users based on popular
opinion instead of what they believe is correct based on their (one would
hope carefully and skillfully considered) evaluation of facts.

Thank you for raising this topic for discussion.

( )
Wikitech-l mailing list

[Wikitech-l] Switching to elections for the Code of Conduct Committee?

2019-06-18 Thread Yaron Koren

The Wikimedia technical spaces Code of Conduct is enforced by a committee.
That committee's selection process is defined as follows:

"The first Committee will be chosen by the Wikimedia Foundation’s Technical
Collaboration team. Subsequent members and auxiliary members of the
Committee will be chosen by the current regular members through a majority
vote." [1]

About a month ago, the CoC Committee put up a slate of "candidates", and
was soliciting feedback on them. The decision on these candidates was
supposed to happen on June 12, last week. I don't know if it actually
happened - I didn't see an announcement, and the candidates page is still
up. [2] In any case, I doubt any of these candidates will have trouble
getting through, since these candidates are also, for the most part, the
people deciding who gets in.

That's what I'm writing about: I now think that the committee should be
decided via open elections, instead of having the committee appoint itself.
At the moment, this group has a complete lack of accountability: they could
make any decision whatsoever at any time, and, according to the rules,
there is literally no one who can stop them. With every passing year and
additional "renewal" (that's what it's called), [3] it seems to me that
their legitimacy as representing the views of the overall community

I had a strange personal experience that made me start to think about this.
Pretty soon after they requested feedback a month ago, I sent en email to
the CoC Committee giving my negative view about one member of the
committee, and explaining why I thought they shouldn't remain there. The
committee responded a few weeks later by saying they were rejecting my
feedback - which is their right - but then spent the rest of the email
criticizing my own previous behavior. Which I found bizarre. Thinking about
it later, it seems to only make sense as what's known in American business
as "circling the wagons" - a group of people responding to outside
criticism in a defensive way, by rejecting all of it, attacking the
critics, etc. Which is not the kind of thing you want to see from people
who are supposed to be making rational, unbiased decisions.

Now, it could be that I'm making too much of this one interaction - maybe
some people there were just having a bad day - but there's still the larger
question of whether elections make sense, and to some extent it's a
question that's independent of whatever you think of the people currently
on the committee.

As for the mechanics of voting: one option is to give one vote to anyone
who has a Wikimedia developer account. The vote could be held on, or perhaps there's an even better technical
solution. The key thing for now is just to get a sense for people's views
on this.

So, what do people think - is there any kind of significant support for the
idea of elections for the CoC Committee?


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