📘  Read on Phabricator at

How’d we do in our strive for operational excellence last month? Read on to
find out!

- Month in numbers.
- Highlighted stories.
- Current problems.

## 📊  Month in numbers

* 8 documented incidents. [1]
* 30 new Wikimedia-prod-error tasks created. [2]
* 31 Wikimedia-prod-error tasks closed. [3]

The number of incidents in April was relatively high at 8. Both compared to
this year (4 in January, 7 in February, 8 in March), and compared to last
year (4 in April 2018).

To read more about these incidents, their investigations, and conclusions;
check https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Incident_documentation#2019.

As of writing, there are 186 open Wikimedia-prod-error issues (up from 177
last month). [4]

## *️⃣ Rehabilitation of MediaWiki-DateFormatter

Following the report of a PHP error that happened when saving edits to
certain pages, Tim Starling investigated. The investigation motivated a big
commit that brings this class into the modern era. I think this change
serves as a good overview of what’s changed in MediaWiki over the last 10
years, and demonstrates our current best practices.

Take a look at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/502678 /

## 📉  Current problems

Take a look at the workboard and look for tasks that might need your help.
The workboard lists known issues, grouped by the week in which they were
first observed.

→  https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/wikimedia-production-error/

Breakdown of recent months (past two weeks not included):

* November: 2 issues left (unchanged).
* December: 4 issues left (unchanged).
* January: 1 issue got fixed. One last issue remaining (down from 2).
* February: 2 issues were fixed. Another 3 issues remaining (down from 5).
* March: 5 issues were fixed. Another 5 issues remaining (down from 10).
* April: 14 new issues were found last month that remain unresolved.

By steward and software component, issues left from March and April:

* Anti-Harassment / User blocking: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T222170
* CPT / Revision-backend (Save redirect pages):
* CPT / Revision-backend (Import a page):
* CPT / Revision-backend (Export pages for dumps):
* Growth / Watchlist: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T220245.
* Growth / Page deletion (Restore an archived page):
* Growth / Page deletion (File pages):
* Growth / Echo (Job execution): https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T217079.
* Multimedia / File management (Upload mime error):
* Performance / Deferred-Updates: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T221577.
* Search Platform / CirrusSearch (Job execution):
* (Unstewarded ⚠️) / Page renaming:


## 🎉  Thanks!

Thank you to everyone who has helped by reporting, investigating, or
resolving problems in Wikimedia production. Including: Aaron Schulz, Ariel
Glenn, Daimona Eaytoy, DCausse, EBernhardson, Jdforrester, Giuseppe, Kartik
Mistry, Ladsgroup, Lucas Werkmeister, MaxSem, MusikAnimal, MVolz, Niharika,
Nikerabbit, Pchelolo, PMiazga, Reedy, SBisson, Tim Starling, and


Until next time,

– Timo Tijhof

🏴‍ *“One good deed is not enough to save a man.” “Though it seems enough
to condemn him?” “Indeed…”*



[1] Incidents reports by month and year. –

[2] Tasks created. –

[3] Tasks closed. –

[4] Open tasks. –
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