On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 10:17:23PM +0600, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> Andreas Mohr wrote:
> > 
> > don't open the comm handle with GENERIC_WRITE via FILE_GetUnixHandle,
> > as Palm's sync software install only opens the comm device
> > with GENERIC_READ instead of the normal GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE
> > via CreateFile, thus making FILE_GetUnixHandle GENERIC_WRITE fail.
> > Opening it with GENERIC_READ only is valid in Windows in case you
> > want to read or change settings only and don't want to send
> > (that's just what the Palm software wants in order to check the cradle
> > upon setup).
> > And doing ioctl()s with read-only fd:s is valid, too, of course.
> > 
> > Changing that makes hot-syncing with Palm IIIxe work. Yiippeee !
> > 
> I grabbed a CVS tree earlier today and tried to set this up with my Palm
> Vx.  Results were less encouraging:
>   - The Palm Desktop installation appeared to go fine, although it
>     hung at the very end -- after the registration screens.
Yep. That's a very difficult hang. It happens in a code area that seems
to carry out some rather complicated algorithms, far away from any function
calls. But the last function calls before that are font related, so it
could be that they're calculating on some font metrics stuff and hang.

>   - Running palm.exe or pilot.exe brings up a message box that reads:
>     Error: Invalid configuration. Terminating the Palm Desktop
Yep, I know. I'm rather sure that's due to the registry config problem.

>   - Running hotsync.exe causes the HotSync Manager icon to appear in
>     KDE panel (nice touch!), but it doesn't respond to mouse clicks.
It does. You need to use right-clicking.

>   - Hitting the HotSync button on the cradle does bring up the HotSync
>     Manager, but after a couple of minutes I get the following message
>     on the Palm:
>     The connection between your handheld computer and the desktop was
>     lost. Some of your data was NOT backed up.  Please check your setup
>     and try again.
>     At this point, the HotSync Manager is effectively hung.
Hmm, yes, I have to admit that I only observed it popping up, and thus
I assumed that it *should* work with a valid registry setup
(a user name mismatch due to the registry setup was the problem, I guess).
Hmm, I shouldn't have said "it works", I guess :-\

> Here is a --debugmsg +comm log from a HotSync attempt:


> trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 164 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 168
> <repeated ~190,000 times>
> Presumably that last message keeps repeating until I kill the program.
> Any ideas?
I guess if we want to make sure it works, then I'd have to use a *valid*
Windows installation and run it from there.

Debugging that very annoying setup lockup seems to be very hard :-((

Andreas Mohr

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