To all our WWN editors (past, and present), a big
        THANK YOU!
for doing the Wine's Weekly News. You guys are doing an 
excellent (and quite important work). I love them dearly.

Keep up the good work! :)


P.S. People may think that I lost my mind. Not really,
it's backed up somewhere on tape... :) Seriously, I
just felt like saying this. So sue me! :P

P.P.S. Monday I'm gonna have a full day of meetings at a 
large financial company, and I hate it. It's gonna be worse
than Friday. So if I return to the list in a bellicose mood,
please excuse me: you have to go once to understand... :/

P.P.P.S. I love working on Wine -- and the prospect that
I have to go to said company tomorrow makes it so obvious,
that I just hate ending this email to go to sleep to wake
up very early tomorrow to go there... :)))

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