
I really don't know.

Some users reported problems regarding timestamps using WinPcap 2.2 under
SMP (last year, if I remember well). The timestamps are generated at kernel
level (i.e. in npf.sys), through a call to KeQueryPerformanceCounter (if you
want to look at the sources, look at the functions in read.c in
winpcap\packetntx\driver, the source code is on our web site).

Do not ask me why on your machines (SMP?)  the timestamps are wrong; maybe
it's a SMP related problem, but who knows, we do not have the hardware (i.e.
SMP machine) to make tests.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Srinivasan, Ramya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Pandita, Ravi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 7:39 AM
Subject: [WinPcap-users] Help needed to understand Code

> Hi
>  We are using your WinCap utility (ver 2.3) on our Windows 2000 Advanced
> Server machine. There are some time stamp related issues with the packet
>  sniffing.
>  We see that the time stamp is not the same as the system time. In one
> sequence, the time stamp on the packet is sometimes 12:06 ( the actual
>  system time ) , and the very next packet has the time stamp of 17:16 (
> happens at random ). We are unable to find out what the problem is.
> I would greatly appreciate it if you could point out the exact manner in
> which this information is being captured by packet.dll/wpcap.dll . Could
> give me some pointers on looking at your code directly to trace the
> and find a solution ?
> We  have contacted you earlier in this regard  - please find attached
> correspondence.
> Thanks,
> Have a nice day,
> Regards
> Ramya Srinivasan
> Systems Engineer - EAI
> Intel Technologies
> 28 Cubbon Road
> Bangalore - 560001
> Inet : 8-262-3218
> Ph   : (011)91-80-2869330 Extn - 3218
>  <<Re: [WinPcap-bugs] Timestamp problems with WinCap - Urgent !>>

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