----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Brownlee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 7:29 PM
Subject: [WinPcap-users] PacketOpenAdapter() and pcap_open_live

> apparently these two functions don't get along well within the same
> program. It looks as though you cannot try to get a handle to the same
> adapter twice... the problem is, pcap_open_live returns a structure of
> type pcap_t, which has a member variable/class/whatever called adapter.
> in the body of the function pcap_open_live, it references p->adapter, I
> need some way of passing that to another function so I can call
> PacketSendPacket... since pcap_sendpacket seems to do a wonderful job of
> crashing my win2k box.... does anyone have any idea how I can get around

Crashing?!? Do you mean blue screen?!?
This is a kernel problem!

Have you tried WinPcap 3.0 alpha?

If WinPcap 3.0 does not solve your problem, well, you have found a bug :(((

Although not very elegant, it is possible to use both the pcap and the
Packet APIs together.
If the PC crashes, it's some sort of bug in the kernel driver (applications,
under NT/2k/XP/.NET, CANNOT crash the system, since they run in user mode,
if a program causes blue screen, then a kernel driver used by that program
is faulty).


> these problems? Basically I need to be able to sniff and inject packets
> from the same program (think Dsniff or Hunt). so basically what I'm
> asking here is this:
> does anyone know of a way to get the LPADAPTER part of the pcap_t
> structure that pcap_open_live returns? or of a way to sniff using
> straight PacketXXX calls?
> Thanks to anyone who can help,
> Ben Brownlee

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