I’ve had a bug for the longest while when using Wireguard on T-Mobile USA (IPv6 
I have a VPN server listening to both IPv4 & IPv6. I have a DNS A and AAAA set 
on the same domain.
When making a connection from an IPv4-only WiFi network with Wireguard enabled 
and then walking away from the Wifi where we transition to a IPv6 network with 
464XLAT we have the issue that Wireguard does not select the AAAA on the 
It prefers IPv4, as shown here: 
 and here: 
Would it be possible to get this change to prefer to use IPv6?
That said, if Wireguard has iOS development licenses, I’d be happy to submit a 
patch (my personal license doesn’t allow me to test VPNs…)


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