It has come to my attention that I might not have accurately or forcefully
enough, explained and/or disclosed the caveats about the mapping file I
announced last night. PLEASE TAKE NOTE, this is not the authoritative
database for whitespace available channels and/or service areas. It is a
general planning tool to allow an individual to look at an area to
investigate the POSSIBILITIES of how much spectrum may be available in their
given area and/or region. The FCC rules have not been completely finalized.
My Google Map file did not include all the data that must be considered for
the proper protections to licensed broadcasters, cable head ends, the T-Band
land mobile radio cities and the radio astronomy sites around the country.


When the FCC approves the vendors for the Geo-Location database, all of
these other factors not accounted for in my tool that will be properly
implemented. Issues such as power and distance from the edges of existing
contours will need to be made and the database will have that built in.
Other issues such as the registered venues for wireless microphone users are
not accounted for either. I did not create this file to then have dissimilar
information or conflicting data sources as to where and on which channel is
available for use. The FCC Geo-location databases will be the authoritative
and only APPROVED information source.


My tool was merely put out there to offer on offline method an individual
could use to start investigating their possible strategies for use of TVWS.
My comment about the Spectrum bridge database needing to be updated was
based on the previous list comments that they had told people they were
updating it based for the new rules (i.e. border protection zones with
Canada and Mexico). It was not meant to insinuate their tool was not
accurate and mine was.


I will state this again for clarity. My mapping file is just a general tool,
not an authoritative database or map file. I was not going to spend all the
time required to put everything together to show all  exceptions and then
release a free tool. I am not looking to run a Whitespaces database or
compete with anyone who has a desire to do so. I was just trying to get
WISP's excited about the possibilities they have with the new
spectrum.......ahh the joys of doing something for free and trying to help
people out. Someone always gets their nose bent out of shape. As the saying
goes, no good deed goes unpunished.


Thank You,

Brian Webster



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